Extracts data from your downloaded datasets according to a data.frame of requested survey variables or survey definitions
extract_dhs(questions, add_geo = FALSE)
Questions to be queried, in the format from
or search_variable_labels
Add geographic information to the extract. Defaut = `TRUE`
A list
of `data.frames` for each survey data extracted.
Function to extract datasets using a set of survey questions as
taken from the output from search_variables
or search_variable_labels
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# get the model datasets included with the package
model_datasets <- model_datasets
# download one of them
g <- get_datasets(dataset_filenames = model_datasets$FileName[1])
# create some terms of data me may want to extrac
st <- search_variable_labels(names(g), "bed net")
# and now extract it
ex <- extract_dhs(st)
} # }