Downloads datasets you have access to from the DHS website

  download_option = "rds",
  reformat = FALSE,
  all_lower = TRUE,
  output_dir_root = NULL,
  clear_cache = FALSE,



The desired filenames to be downloaded. These can be found as one of the returned fields from dhs_datasets. Alternatively you can also pass the desired rows from dhs_datasets.


Character specifying whether the dataset should be just downloaded ("zip"), imported and saved as an .rds object ("rds"), or both extract and rds ("both"). Conveniently you can just specify any letter from these options.


Boolean concerning whether to reformat read in datasets by removing all factors and labels. Default = FALSE.


Logical indicating whether all value labels should be lower case. Default to `TRUE`.


Root directory where the datasets will be stored within. The default will download datasets to a subfolder of the client root called "datasets"


Should your available datasets cache be cleared first. This will allow newly accessed datasets to be available. Default = `FALSE`


Any other arguments to be passed to read_dhs_dataset


Depends on the download_option requested, but ultimately it is a file path to where the dataset was downloaded to, so that you can interact with it accordingly.


Gets datasets from your cache or downloads from the DHS website. By providing the filenames, as specified in one of the returned fields from dhs_datasets, the client will log in for you and download all the files you have requested. If any of the requested files are unavailable for your log in, these will be flagged up first as a message so you can make a note and request them through the DHS website. You also have the option to control whether the downloaded zip file is then extracted and converted into a more convenient R data.frame. This converted object will then be subsequently saved as a ".rds" object within the client root directory datasets folder, which can then be more quickly loaded when needed with readRDS. You also have the option to reformat the dataset, which will ensure that the datasets returned are encoded simply as character strings, i.e. there are no factors or labels.


 if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# get the model datasets included with the package
model_datasets <- model_datasets

# download one of them
g <- get_datasets(dataset_filenames = model_datasets$FileName[1])
} # }