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Fetching collections of prices

Collections are just a bundle of tickers pre-organized in the package. For example, collection SP500 represents the current composition of the SP500 index.

The available collections are:

available_collections <- yfR::yf_get_available_collections(
  print_description = TRUE
## ── Description of Available Collections ──
##  SP500: The SP500 index (US MARKET) - Ticker = ^GSPC
##  IBOV: The Ibovespa index (BR MARKET) - Ticker = ^BVSP
##  FTSE: The FTSE index (UK MARKET) - Ticker = ^FTSE
##  testthat-collection: A (small) testing index for testthat() -- dev stuff, dont use it!
## [1] "SP500"               "IBOV"                "FTSE"               
## [4] "testthat-collection"

One can download the composition of the collection with yf_collection_get:


# be patient, it takes a while
df_yf <- yf_collection_get("SP500")
