A dataset representing road segments in Lisbon, with X, Y and Z (elevation) dimensions for each coordinate.
An object of class sf
, key variables of which include
ID of the object
The minimum elevation on the linear feature from ArcMAP
The max elevation on the linear feature from ArcMAP
The mean elevation on the linear feature from ArcMAP
The minimum slope on the linear feature from ArcMAP
The max slope on the linear feature from ArcMAP
The mean slope on the linear feature from ArcMAP
The geometry defining the LINESTRING component of the segment
Produced by ESRI's 3D Analyst extension
The dataset covers 32 km of roads in central Lisbon, overlapping with the
area covered by the dem_lisbon_raster
#> [1] "OBJECTID" "Z_Min" "Z_Max" "Z_Mean" "Min_Slope" "Max_Slope" #> [7] "Avg_Slope" "geom"#> 32014.35 [m]