• better adjusted to CRAN’s policy ‘Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an informative message if the resource is not available or has changed (and not give a check warning nor error).’
  • fixed organize_labels bug
  • added new functions: get_total_urbano() and get_eahu() (as well as their auxiliar internal functions)
  • improved documentation and site
  • added contributing and codemeta.json files
  • improved error messages using cli package
  • reduced dependencies relying on base r and improved deprecated code
  • re-structured functions using the early return philosophy
  • styled code according to the tidyverse style guide
  • modified get_microdata function to avoid parameter conflicts between trimester and wave
  • fixed map_agglomerates bug
  • added additional tests
  • fixed bug in get_microdata() originated in a change in INDEC’s URL (old datasets are now directly downloaded from a stable github repo)
  • removed ‘readr’ and ‘tidyverse’ from Imports. readr was reclassified as a Suggest (because it was only used in a vignette) and tidyverse was replaced by the tidyverse packages actually required.
  • improved error messages in calculate_tabulates() function.
  • fixed warnings when downloading poverty lines
  • improve get_microdata_internal() internals
  • fixed compatibility with tibble 3.0.0
  • add dataset on centroids of aglomerates of the survey
  • add function map_agglomerates() for mapping indicators
  • enhace get_microdata(). Now downloads multiple datasets and allows to pre-select variables
  • add skip_if_offline and some skip_on_cran for time-consuming tests
  • add stop if there is no internet connection for get_microdata()
  • add vignettes
  • simplify output in organize_panels()
  • add function organize_ocupations
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.
  • Bug fix in get_microdata()
  • Added Authors@ information (orcid)
  • add bugreport to DESCRIPTION