ReLTER 2.1.0 Release Notes
v2.1.0 was released on 25/01/2023
- inserted new function for acquire either Land Surface Temperature (LST) or Vegetation Index (NDVI) both cropped to an eLTER site boundary;
- outputs enrichment of certain functions with unit of measurement (UOM) and labeling with semantic terms (e.g. in the taxon_id_.R or in the get_sos_.R functions).
ReLTER 2.0.0 Release Notes
v2.0.0 was released on 30/09/2022
- inserted new functions for set an environment for variables of the package, for setting and for get the DEIMS-SDR base URL;
- inserted a new function for get version of DEIMS-SDR API based on the DEIMS-SDR base URL;
- added an object (queries_jq) containing all the JQ queries (as a list);
- added the new JQ queries accordingly with the structure of the new DEIMS-SDR API version;
- deleted the JQ queries call into the get_site_info(), get_activity_info(), and get_dataset_info() and substitute with a variable;
- changed the name of the functions containing “parameters” with “observed properties”;
- added for some functions the life cycle badge;
- acquisition to species occurrences from GBIF, iNaturalist and OBIS;
- harmonisation to the output of species occurrences in eLTER Data Reporting Format (v3.1);
- creation the archive (zip) with files following the eLTER Data Reporting Format (v3.1);
- composition of file naming convention following the eLTER Data Reporting Format (v3.1);
- composition of the object containing the eLTER Data Reporting Format (v3.1) tables;
- interaction with Sensor Observations Services (SOS - v2.0) for acquire procedure list, procedure info, feature of interest info, observed property info, and observations;
- interaction to the Zenodo repository in order to upload record or download dataset record;
- substituted the SPARQL package with httr2.
ReLTER 1.1.0 Release Notes
v1.1.0 was released on 15/04/2022
Major changes
- all the suggestion from rOpenSci reviewers has been evaluated and taken into account in this release;
- revised and linguistically corrected the documentation of package;
- revised and graphically enriched the documentation of the functions;
- created the vignettes of the package;
- new functions (get_site_ODS and taxon_id_worms) has been implemented;
- enriched the information downloaded for datasets and activities from DEIMS-SDR;
- a solution for install package by Docker has been done;
- all the packages used in the
have been referenced in each functions manual.
ReLTER 1.0.0 Release Notes
v1.0.0 was released on 15/11/2021
Major changes
- all the get_site_xxx functions could be merged into one, with an additional function parameter category;
- all the functions are renamed according with CRAN suggestion;
- first release of vignettes have been done;
- new functions for interactive improvements of taxa names using PESI and WORMS repository have been done;
- function acquires one of eight raster datasets from the European OpenDataScience maps website for a selected DEIMS site have been implemented by @micha-silver;
- a fully review of functions and package description have been done.
ReLTER 0.2.0 Release Notes
v0.2.0 was released on 18/10/2021
Major changes
After the first minor release big improvements are been done: * all functions have been re-engineered with harmonized metadata, testing and evaluation of error-causing situations, * all situation where the functions writing something in the local environment have been removed, * some test to the functions have been added, * the logo and thumbnails have been created, * a new function getILTERGeneralInfo have been added to the package.
ReLTER 0.1.1 Release Notes
v0.1.1 was released on 28/01/2021
ReLTER 0.1.0 Release Notes
v0.1.0 was released on 28/01/2019
Major changes
Beta release of ReLTER package!
- Some functions are released within this version of package:
- getSiteAffiliations
- getSiteBoundaries
- getSiteContact
- getSiteEnvCharacts
- getSiteRelatedResources
- getSiteResearchTopics
- getSiteGeneral
- getSiteInfrastructure
- getSiteParameters
- getNetworkEnvCharacts
- getNetworkParameters
- getNetworkResearchTopics
- getNetworkRelatedResources
- getNetworkSites
- getILTERParameters
- getILTEREnvCharacts
- getILTERResearchTopics
- getActivity
- getDataset
- mapNetworkPoint
- produceMapOfSiteFromDEIMS
- taxonIDPesi
- Documentation and application site have been created.
- The whole package is released on GitHub and available to the developer community.