Create oscilogram and spectrogram plot.

  annotation = NULL,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  zoom = NULL,
  text_size = 1,
  output_file = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  freq_scale = "kHz",
  frequency_range = c(0, 5),
  dynamic_range = 50,
  window_length = 5,
  window = "kaiser",
  windowparameter = -1,
  preemphasisf = 50,
  spectrum_info = TRUE,
  raven_annotation = NULL,
  formant_df = NULL,
  pitch = NULL,
  pitch_range = c(75, 350),
  intensity = NULL,
  output_width = 750,
  output_height = 500,
  output_units = "px",
  sounds_from_folder = NULL,
  textgrids_from_folder = NULL,
  pic_folder_name = "pics",
  title_as_filename = TRUE,
  prefix = NULL,
  suffix = NULL,
  autonumber = FALSE



a sound file


a source for annotation files (path to TextGrid file or dataframe created from other linguistic types, e. g. via textgrid_to_df(), eaf_to_df() or other functions)


Time in seconds at which to start extraction.


Time in seconds at which to stop extraction.


numeric vector of zoom window time (in seconds). It will draw the whole oscilogram and part of the spectrogram.


numeric, text size (default = 1).


the name of the output file


the title for the plot


a string indicating the type of frequency scale. Supported types are: "Hz" and "kHz".


vector with the range of frequencies to be displayed for the spectrogram up to a maximum of fs/2. By default this is set to 0-5 kHz.


values greater than this many dB below the maximum will be displayed in the same color


the desired analysis window length in milliseconds.


A string indicating the type of window desired. Supported types are: "rectangular", "hann", "hamming", "cosine", "bartlett", "gaussian", and "kaiser".


The parameter necessary to generate the window, if appropriate. At the moment, the only windows that require parameters are the Kaiser and Gaussian windows. By default, these are set to 2 for kaiser and 0.4 for gaussian windows.


Preemphasis of 6 dB per octave is added to frequencies above the specified frequency. For no preemphasis, set to a frequency higher than the sampling frequency.


logical. If TRUE then add information about window method and params.


Raven (Center for Conservation Bioacoustics) style annotations (boxes over spectrogram). The dataframe that contains time_start, time_end, freq_low and freq_high columns. Optional columns are colors and content.


dataframe with formants from formant_to_df() function


path to the Praat `.Pitch` file or result of pitch_to_df() function. This variable provide data for visualisation of a pitch contour exported from Praat.


vector with the range of frequencies to be displayed. By default this is set to 75-350 Hz.


path to the Praat `.Intensity` file or result of intensity_to_df() function. This variable provide data for visualisation of an intensity contour exported from Praat.


the width of the device


the height of the device


the units in which height and width are given. Can be "px" (pixels, the default), "in" (inches), "cm" or "mm".


path to a folder with multiple sound files. If this argument is not NULL, then the function goes through all files and creates picture for all of them.


path to a folder with multiple .TextGrid files. If this argument is not NULL, then the function goes through all files and create picture for all of them.


name for a folder, where all pictures will be stored in case sounds_from_folder argument is not NULL


logical. If true adds filename title to each picture


prefix for all file names for created pictures in case sounds_from_folder argument is not NULL


suffix for all file names for created pictures in case sounds_from_folder argument is not NULL


if TRUE automatically add number of extracted sound to the file_name. Prevents from creating a duplicated files and wrong sorting.


Oscilogram and spectrogram plot (and possibly TextGrid annotation).


# \dontrun{ draw_sound(system.file("extdata", "test.wav", package = "phonfieldwork"))
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <ce>
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <b1>
draw_sound( system.file("extdata", "test.wav", package = "phonfieldwork"), system.file("extdata", "test.TextGrid", package = "phonfieldwork" ) )
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <ce>
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <b1>
draw_sound(system.file("extdata", "test.wav", package = "phonfieldwork"), system.file("extdata", "test.TextGrid", package = "phonfieldwork"), pitch = system.file("extdata", "test.Pitch", package = "phonfieldwork" ), pitch_range = c(50, 200) )
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <ce>
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <b1>
draw_sound(system.file("extdata", "test.wav", package = "phonfieldwork"), system.file("extdata", "test.TextGrid", package = "phonfieldwork"), pitch = system.file("extdata", "test.Pitch", package = "phonfieldwork" ), pitch_range = c(50, 200), intensity = intensity_to_df(system.file("extdata", "test.Intensity", package = "phonfieldwork" )) )
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <ce>
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <b1>
draw_sound(system.file("extdata", "test.wav", package = "phonfieldwork"), formant_df = formant_to_df(system.file("extdata", "e.Formant", package = "phonfieldwork" )) )
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <ce>
#> Warning: conversion failure on 'Kaiser window (length: 5 ms, α: 2), dynamic range: 50 (dB)' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <b1>
# }