A function to perform a snowball search and convert the result to a tibble/data frame.
A function to perform a snowball search and convert the result to a tibble/data frame.
- identifier
Character vector of openalex_id identifiers.
- ...
Additional arguments to pass to `oa_fetch` when querying the input works, such as `doi`.
- id_type
Type of OpenAlex IDs to return. Defaults to "short", which remove the prefix https://openalex.org/ in the works' IDs, for example, W2755950973. If "original", the OpenAlex IDs are kept as are, for example, https://openalex.org/W2755950973
- mailto
Character string. Gives OpenAlex an email to enter the polite pool.
- endpoint
Character. URL of the OpenAlex Endpoint API server. Defaults to endpoint = "https://api.openalex.org".
- verbose
Logical. If TRUE, print information on querying process. Default to
verbose = FALSE
.- citing_filter
filters used in the search of works citing the input works.
- cited_by_filter
filters used in the search of works cited by the input works.
A list containing 2 elements: - nodes: dataframe with publication records. The last column `oa_input` indicates whether the work was one of the input `identifier`(s). - edges: publication link dataframe of 2 columns `from, to` such that a row `A, B` means A -> B means A cites B. In bibliometrics, the "citation action" comes from A to B.