• Remove an example that no longer works with the API.

  • Remove incorrect documentation about rate limiting and include details on how to use rate limiting.

  • Ensure tests are skipped on CRAN, thanks Maëlle!

  • Use skip_if_offline() rather than skip_on_cran() for tests.

  • Adds new time_standard parameter to get_power() as requested in ##70.

  • Updates internal list of accepted POWER parameters.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes bug when requesting site_elevation. Thanks to @daniel_althoff for reporting this bug Issue 69.

  • Fixes bug where wind_elevation and wind_surface were not properly passed along to the API.

Minor changes

  • Fixes redundant and broken tests by removing or updating new tests.
  • Fixes bug when requesting site_elevation corrected data. Thanks to @daniel_althoff for reporting this bug Issue 69.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes message when importing data using vroom >= 1.5.0, Thefileargument ofvroom()must useI()for literal data as of vroom 1.5.0.. Thanks to @palderman for the fix in Pull Request 67.

Minor changes

  • Sets minimum version of tibble necessary for use with nasapower.
  • Fixes tests that should use vcr or be skipped on CRAN.
  • Update checks for number of parameters requested by user, maximum of 15 for hourly and 20 for all other temporal APIs.

  • Return API messages to user to assist with troubleshooting when an error occurs server-side, see Issue 55.

  • The list of POWER parameters that can be queried from the API, parameters, is now in alphabetical order.

  • Add paragraph to vignette describing how to work with possible rate limiting by API endpoints using ratelimitr. This is in place of internally rate-limiting due to the way ratelimitr handles function creation and the fact that the rate limits are extremely generous and may change as the project matures.

Bug fixes

Minor changes

  • Enforces API limits client-side where the API limits unique queries to 30 per 60 seconds as found and reported by @camwur in Issue 57. This can be adjusted in future releases of nasapower if the POWER API changes as has been indicated is possible.

  • (Re)enables vcr for better unit testing.

  • More comprehensive unit tests.

Major changes

  • Adds support for new NASA POWER API v2.0, which includes new hourly data and other major changes to the API and available data. See https://power.larc.nasa.gov/ for fully detailed changes to the data.

  • Drops support for the deprecated NASA POWER API V1.0. Previous versions of nasapower are no longer functional.

  • Adds new function, query_parameters() to fetch information from the API on individual and all available community/temporal API combination parameters.

  • Removes SSE community, replaced with RE.

  • Removes global option for geographic coverage as passed along through the latlon argument of get_power().

  • Directly parse data from API response rather than downloading data to disk and importing.

  • The get_power() arguments are changed:

    • two new arguments are added,
      • wind_elevation, and
      • wind_surface,
    • the temporal_average argument has been superseded by temporal_api to align with the terminology used in the POWER API. The temporal_average argument will still work, however, a message will be given if a user still uses temporal_average to alert the user of the change and ask them to update their scripts.

Minor changes

  • Improved documentation.

  • Removes internal references to ICASA format files that are no longer supported in this client.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where Solar Radiation, “ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN”, and perhaps others that were missed, return a numeric -99.00 value rather than the proper NA for missing data. Thanks to Fernando Miguez, https://github.com/femiguez, for the assistance in isolating the issue.

Major Changes to Functionality

  • Due to the removal of the CRAN package APSIM from CRAN, the removal of the create_met() function has been implemented sooner than expected to keep nasapower on CRAN.

  • Deprecates create_met()

Bug fixes

  • Properly deprecates create_icasa()

Bug Fixes

  • Correct any missing or redirecting URLs

  • Replace deprecated subclass with class in new_tibble()

Major Changes to Functionality

  • Following a UNIX-like philosophy, this release removes functionality to write APSIM .met and DSSAT ICASA files to disk. nasapower now will only fetch the appropriate data and return a tibble() object in-session, please use apsimx or the POWER web API data access viewer, https://power.larc.nasa.gov/data-access-viewer/, for fetching and/or writing .met or .icasa files, respectively. Note that create_icasa() ideally should have been deprecated, but the server was not responding properly when queried for some time before the current release of nasapower so the function has been removed.

  • Add ability to get_power() to accept a user-provided site_elevation parameter that is passed to the API. When this is used it will return a corrected atmospheric pressure value adjusted to the elevation provided.

Minor and Internal Changes

  • Use newest values from POWER team to validate user inputs for API requests, see https://github.com/ropensci/nasapower/issues/48 for more.

  • Replace raster with terra for examples of converting to spatial data in vignettes

  • Use vcr for enhanced testing

  • Refactor the internal handling of temporary files to allow for more efficient use of the future package

Bug Fixes

  • Corrects bug when querying the SB or SSE communities resulting in an error

  • Corrects example in vignette when creating a .met file

Minor Changes

  • Update documentation to use ROxygen 7.0.0

  • Add new vignette, “Using nasapower with large geographic areas”

Minor changes

  • Correct URL in BibTeX version of citation

  • Suppress output in console from APSIM::createMetFile()

  • Help file titles are now in sentence case

Bug fixes

  • Fix issues reported at https://cloud.r-project.org//web/checks/check_results_nasapower.html with failing tests. These tests should be skipped on CRAN but were not.

  • Fixes bug where missing values in POWER data were not properly replaced with NA in tibble and metFile outputs

  • Fixes bug in documentation for create_icasa() where the parameter for file_out was misidentified as just file

Minor changes

  • Users are now notified if creating a .met file that has any missing values through a console message and .csv file being written to disk to accompany the resulting .met file describing which values are missing

Bug fixes

  • Fixes bug where .met files were not created properly including where “radn” and “rain” col headers were reversed

  • Fix Warning: Must pass a scalar integer as 'nrow' argument to 'new_tibble()'.

  • Fixes bug where “CLIMATE” could not be requested for a single point

Major changes

  • Change how GLOBAL values are requested. This is now specified in lonlat in conjunction with temporal_average = CLIMATOLOGY.

Minor changes

  • Adds example of fetching climate for a single point

  • Refactor code to split internal functions by functionality and add more complete test coverage

Minor changes

  • Removes internal check for data - community agreement, as all data is available for all communities, only the units change

  • Update links to latest documentation provided by the POWER team

Minor changes

  • Adds support for WS2M_MIN, WS2M_MAX and WS2M_RANGE in AG community

Bug fixes

  • Fixes bug where previous release did not support WS2M from AG community due to a local typo

Minor changes

  • “Fixes” Issue 32 where WS2M is not available through nasapower until the POWER team can properly address how pre-query validation should be performed

Minor changes

  • Corrects an instance where vignette example executed on CRAN but should not

  • Adds link to POWER website in error message when query fails

  • Documentation .Rd files are now more readable with better formatting

Minor changes

Documentation changes

  • Flesh out examples using naspower data with raster to create spatial objects for systems with low-RAM where the functionality may not work as expected

  • Standardise formatting of vignette subheadings

  • Spell check vignette

Bug fixes

  • Fixes tests to not run on CRAN so that errors aren’t reported when API is unavailable

Minor changes

  • Updates documentation examples

  • Provides nicer method of printing data in R console

  • Updates tests for better coverage and removes non-functional tests

  • Removes dplyr as an Import

Bug fixes

  • Corrects issue where if() was called with a vector of length 2 or more

  • Corrects logical operators && and || where they should be & or |

  • Removes extra code in create_icasa() and create_met() that performed a duplicated check of latlon values

  • Removes unnecessary checks for latlon in get_power()

Minor changes

  • Provides corrections to documentation formatting as per CRAN volunteers’ requests

  • Provides edits and clarifications in DESCRIPTION’s Description and Title about the package’s uses and capabilities

Major changes

  • nasapower is now a part of rOpenSci after peer-review of the code!

  • Provides access to all three communities, AG, SSE and and SB, not just AG

  • Uses new ‘POWER’ ‘API’ to download new 1/2 x 1/2 degree data

  • Adds function get_power() to get weather data and optionally metadata as well

  • Adds function create_met() to create ‘APSIM’ met objects from ‘POWER’ data

  • Adds function create_icasa() to create a text file of weather data for use in ‘DSSAT’ crop modelling

  • Internally, replaces httr package with crul

Deprecated functions

  • The get_cell and get_region functions are deprecated in favour of get_power(). The new POWER interface allows for the specification of single points or regional areas. Global coverage may be queried for Climatology. See the help for ?get_power() for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug related to date columns where MONTH, DAY and YYYY-MM-DD were incorrectly reported in final data frame. This did not affect the weather data, YEAR or DOY columns.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where lon/lat values were improperly assigned internally due to row names not being ordered correctly in get_region()

  • Fix bug reports link in DESCRIPTION file

  • Correct vignette where it had said, “both of which will which will download”

  • Correct documentation for get_region(), which incorrectly stated that it downloaded data for a 1 x 1 degree cell

Minor improvements

  • Optimise arguments used in utils::read.table() to ingest weather data in the get_cell() and get_region() functions more quickly

  • NEWS now formatted more nicely for easier reading

  • Add statement about possible performance and memory usage when using get_region() in the vignette

  • Add an example of converting the data frame to a spatial object using raster to create a raster::brick()

  • Specify in documentation that a range of days to years can be specified for download

Minor changes

  • get_region() and get_cell() now default to download all weather vars

  • Add a check to see if POWER website is responding before making request for data. If not, stop and return error message to user.

Bug fixes

Minor improvements

  • Enhanced documentation

  • Superfluous function, .onLoad(), removed from zzz.R

  • Tidied up startup message

  • Clean up vignette

  • Build vignette faster

  • Remove DATE from DESCRIPTION

Minor improvements

  • Fix issues in documentation, typos, incorrect links, etc.

New features

Minor improvements

  • Better documentation

New features

  • Added citation file
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.

  • First release, no changes to report yet