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mapmetadata 4.0.1 (2025-03-06)

After peer-review with rOpenSci this package was accepted 🎆 and transferred to the rOpenSci GitHub organisation to be hosted and promoted. Mostly, this release contains documentation changes to reflect this repo transfer. Code functionality is unaltered.

mapmetadata 4.0.0 (2025-02-17)

Thanks to the brilliant reviewer comments via the rOpenSci software review (, this release makes some major improvements to the clarity and functionality of the package. 

See this issue for a summary of the changes:

Many of these changes relate to making the package easier to use, as there is a heavy dependence on user interaction, improving validation and testing, and complying with R package best practices.

mapmetadata 3.0.0 (2025-01-06)

Thanks in part to helpful rOpenSci editor comments ( this release makes some improvements to the package, making it more suitable for the rOpenSci software review process, which will be based on this new release going forward.


  • The package name has changed from browseMetadata to mapmetadata. mapmetadata better reflects the function of this package and complies with formatting best practice for R package naming
  • Combined the browse function into the map function to simplify package use for the user
  • Changed some function names to match object_verb convention
  • Now using csv (not json) as the the metadata input to reflect the new structure from Health Data Research Gateway
  • Removed some custom functions, because utils already offered these! (or very similar)


  • Clearer and more detailed user documentation in README and package website


  • Logo has been replaced to reflect new package name
  • Updated DESCRIPTION file to directly mention Health Data Research Gateway as a data source for this package, normalised the DESCRIPTION file formatting
  • Open up the html output file automatically in the user’s browser, insteading of prompting the user to do this manually
  • Internal functions no longer listed on the package website, only user functions
  • Handle temp directories better in unit tests, by using withr::local_tempdir()
  • Improved unit tests by using testthat::local_mocked_bindings