A family of functions that return a tibble from a specific database from Hydroscope using the Enhydris API. get_database returns a named list of tibbles using all the family's functions.

get_stations(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

get_timeseries(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

get_instruments(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

get_water_basins(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

  subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"),
  translit = TRUE

  subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"),
  translit = TRUE

get_variables(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

  subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"),
  translit = TRUE

get_time_steps(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

get_owners(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

  subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"),
  translit = TRUE

get_station_type(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)

get_database(subdomain = c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh"), translit = TRUE)



One of the subdomains of Hydroscope in the vector c("kyy", "ypaat", "emy", "deh").


Automatically transliterate Greek to Latin.


If subdomain is one of:

  • kyy, Ministry of Environment and Energy.

  • ypaat, Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

  • deh, Greek Public Power Corporation.

  • emy, National Meteorological Service.

returns a tibble or a named list with tibbles from the corresponding database. Otherwise returns an error message.


Objects' IDs are not unique among the different Hydroscope databases. For example, time series' IDs from http://kyy.hydroscope.gr have same values with time series' from http://ypaat.hydroscope.gr.

The coordinates of the stations are based on the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89).


The data are retrieved from the Hydroscope's site databases:

  • Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

  • Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

  • National Meteorological Service.

  • Greek Public Power Corporation.


Konstantinos Vantas, kon.vantas@gmail.com


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# data will be downloaded from Ministry of Environment and Energy (kyy):
subdomain <- "kyy"

# stations
kyy_stations <- get_stations(subdomain)

# time series
kyy_ts <- get_timeseries(subdomain)

# instruments
kyy_inst <- get_instruments(subdomain)

# water basins
kyy_wbas <- get_water_basins(subdomain)

# water divisions
kyy_wdiv <- get_water_divisions(subdomain)

# political divisions
kyy_pol <- get_political_divisions(subdomain)

# variables
kyy_vars <- get_variables(subdomain)

# units of measurement
kyy_units <- get_units_of_measurement(subdomain)

# time steps
kyy_time_steps <- get_time_steps(subdomain)

# owners
kyy_owners <- get_owners(subdomain)

# instruments type
kyy_instr_type <- get_instruments_type(subdomain)

# stations' type
kyy_st_type <- get_station_type(subdomain)

# use all the get_ functions above to create a named list with tibbles
kyy_db <- get_database(subdomain)
} # }