recode_gender matches uncleaned gender responses to cleaned list using an built-in or custom dictionary.

  gender = gender,
  dictionary = gendercoder::manylevels_en,
  retain_unmatched = FALSE



a character vector of gender responses for recoding


a list that the contains gender responses and their replacement values. A built-in dictionary manylevels_en is used by default if an alternative dictionary is not supplied.


logical indicating if gender responses that are not found in dictionary should be filled with the uncleaned values during recoding


a character vector of recoded genders


df <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  gender = c("male", "MALE", "mle", "I am male", "femail", "female", "enby"),
  age = c(34L, 37L, 77L, 52L, 68L, 67L, 83L)

dplyr::mutate(df, recoded_gender = recode_gender(gender,
  dictionary = manylevels_en,
  retain_unmatched = TRUE
#> Results not matched from the dictionary have been filled with the user inputted values
#>      gender age recoded_gender
#> 1      male  34            man
#> 2      MALE  37            man
#> 3       mle  77            man
#> 4 I am male  52      I am male
#> 5    femail  68          woman
#> 6    female  67          woman
#> 7      enby  83     non-binary