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Validate a data frame against a field_types() specification, and prepare for aggregation.


  override_column_names = FALSE,
  na = c("", "NA", "NULL"),
  dataset_description = NULL,
  show_progress = TRUE



A data frame


field_types() object specifying names and types of fields (columns) in the supplied df. See also field_types_available.


If FALSE, column names in the supplied df must match the names specified in field_types exactly. If TRUE, column names in the supplied df will be replaced with the names specified in field_types. The specification must therefore contain the columns in the correct order. Default = FALSE


vector containing strings that should be interpreted as missing values. Default = c("","NA","NULL"). Additional column-specific values can be specified in the field_types() object


Short description of the dataset being checked. This will appear on the report. If blank, the name of the data frame object will be used


Print progress to console. Default = TRUE


A daiquiri_source_data object


# load example data into a data.frame
raw_data <- read_data(
  system.file("extdata", "example_prescriptions.csv", package = "daiquiri"),
  delim = ",",
  col_names = TRUE

# validate and prepare the data for aggregation
source_data <- prepare_data(
  field_types = field_types(
    PrescriptionID = ft_uniqueidentifier(),
    PrescriptionDate = ft_timepoint(),
    AdmissionDate = ft_datetime(includes_time = FALSE),
    Drug = ft_freetext(),
    Dose = ft_numeric(),
    DoseUnit = ft_categorical(),
    PatientID = ft_ignore(),
    Location = ft_categorical(aggregate_by_each_category = TRUE)
  override_column_names = FALSE,
  na = c("", "NULL"),
  dataset_description = "Example data provided with package"
#> field_types supplied:
#> PrescriptionID	<uniqueidentifier>
#> PrescriptionDate	<timepoint>	options: includes_time
#> AdmissionDate	<datetime>
#> Drug	<freetext>
#> Dose	<numeric>
#> DoseUnit	<categorical>
#> PatientID	<ignore>
#> Location	<categorical>	options: aggregate_by_each_category
#> Checking column names against field_types... 
#> Importing source data [Example data provided with package]... 
#> Removing column-specific na values... 
#> Checking data against field_types... 
#>   Selecting relevant warnings... 
#>   Identifying nonconformant values... 
#>   Checking and removing missing timepoints... 
#> Checking for duplicates... 
#>   Sorting data... 
#> Loading into source_data structure... 
#>   PrescriptionID 
#>   PrescriptionDate 
#>   AdmissionDate 
#>   Drug 
#>   Dose 
#>   DoseUnit 
#>   PatientID 
#>   Location 
#> Finished 

#> Dataset: Example data provided with package 
#> Overall:
#> Columns in source: 8 
#> Columns imported: 7 
#> Rows in source: 8996 
#> Duplicate rows removed: 1 
#> Rows imported: 8993 
#> Column used for timepoint: PrescriptionDate 
#> Min timepoint value: 2021-01-01 
#> Max timepoint value: 2021-12-31 23:00:00 
#> Rows missing timepoint values removed: 2 
#> Strings interpreted as missing values: "","NULL" 
#> Total validation warnings: 8 
#> Datafields:
#>         field_name       field_type  datatype count    missing
#> 1 PrescriptionID   uniqueidentifier character  8993 0 (0%)    
#> 2 PrescriptionDate timepoint        double     8993 0 (0%)    
#> 3 AdmissionDate    datetime         double     4991 4002 (45%)
#> 4 Drug             freetext         character  8993 0 (0%)    
#> 5 Dose             numeric          double     8984 9 (0.1%)  
#> 6 DoseUnit         categorical      character  8964 29 (0.3%) 
#> 7 PatientID        ignore           NA           NA NA        
#> 8 Location         categorical      character  8993 0 (0%)    
#>                     min                 max validation_warnings
#> 1                 10000                9999                   0
#> 2            2021-01-01 2021-12-31 23:00:00                   2
#> 3            1800-01-01          2021-12-31                   1
#> 4 Abacavir + lamiVUDine          vancomycin                   0
#> 5                   0.2               7e+05                   5
#> 6              MegaUnit             unit(s)                   0
#> 7                    NA                  NA                  NA
#> 8                 SITE1               SITE4                   0
#> Validation warnings:
#>          field_name                                              message
#> 1: PrescriptionDate          Missing or invalid value in Timepoint field
#> 2:    AdmissionDate            expected valid date, but got '2021-06-31'
#> 3:             Dose      expected no trailing characters, but got '1.5g'
#> 4:             Dose expected no trailing characters, but got '4.5 grams'
#> 5:             Dose        expected a double, but got 'See Instructions'
#> 6:             Dose expected no trailing characters, but got '80/400 mg'
#>    instances
#> 1:         2
#> 2:         1
#> 3:         1
#> 4:         1
#> 5:         2
#> 6:         1