Removes or flags records outside of the provided natural range polygon, on a per species basis. Expects one entry per species. See the example or for the required polygon structure.
lon = "decimalLongitude",
lat = "decimalLatitude",
species = "species",
buffer = 0,
value = "clean",
verbose = TRUE
data.frame. Containing geographical coordinates and species names.
a SpatVector of natural ranges for species in x.
Must contain a column named as indicated by species
. See details.
character string. The column with the longitude coordinates. Default = “decimalLongitude”.
character string. The column with the latitude coordinates. Default = “decimalLatitude”.
a character string. The column with the species name. Default = “species”.
numerical. The buffer around each species' range, from where records should be flagged as problematic, in meters. Default = 0.
character string. Defining the output value. See value.
logical. If TRUE reports the name of the test and the number of records flagged.
Depending on the ‘value’ argument, either a data.frame
containing the records considered correct by the test (“clean”) or a logical vector (“flagged”), with TRUE = test passed and FALSE = test failed/potentially problematic . Default = “clean”.
Download natural range maps in suitable format for amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles from Note: the buffer radius is in degrees, thus will differ slightly between different latitudes.
See for more details and tutorials.
#> terra 1.7.18
x <- data.frame(species = c("A", "B"),
decimalLongitude = runif(100, -170, 170),
decimalLatitude = runif(100, -80,80))
range_species_A <- cbind(c(-45,-45,-60,-60,-45), c(-10,-25,-25,-10,-10))
rangeA <- terra::vect(range_species_A, "polygons")
range_species_B <- cbind(c(15,15,32,32,15), c(10,-10,-10,10,10))
rangeB <- terra::vect(range_species_B, "polygons")
range <- terra::vect(list(rangeA, rangeB))
range$binomial <- c("A", "B")
cc_iucn(x = x, range = range, buffer = 0)
#> Testing natural ranges
#> Warning: no projection information for reference found,
#> assuming '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
#> Removed 100 records.
#> [1] species decimalLongitude decimalLatitude
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)