Equity options superset is a dataframe that brings together all data regarding equities, equity options and interest rates. This data forms a complete set (superset) up and ready to run options models, implied volatility calculations and volatility models.
cotahist_equity_options_superset(ch, yc)
cotahist_options_by_symbol_superset(symbol, ch, yc)
A dataframe with data of equities, equity options, and interest rates.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
refdate <- Sys.Date() - 1
ch <- cotahist_get(refdate, "daily")
yc <- yc_get(refdate)
ch_ss <- cotahist_equity_options_superset(ch, yc)
petr4_ch_ss <- cotahist_options_by_symbol_superset("PETR4", ch, yc)
} # }