Return the last part of an treedata.table object

# S3 method for treedata.table
tail(x, ...)



a treedata.table object


Additional arguments passed to


data(anolis) td <- as.treedata.table(anolis$phy, anolis$dat)
#> Tip labels detected in column: X
#> Phylo object detected
#> All tips from original tree/dataset were preserved
#> tip.label SVL PCI_limbs PCII_head PCIII_padwidth_vs_tail #> 1: darlingtoni 4.302036 4.06703170 -1.4937898 -0.2002259 #> 2: aliniger 4.036557 0.12323898 -1.6746704 2.3871336 #> 3: singularis 4.057997 0.36326789 -0.9542287 1.6562154 #> 4: chlorocyanus 4.275448 0.43906343 1.3540345 1.9531470 #> 5: coelestinus 4.297965 -0.02721683 0.3687537 1.6364316 #> 6: occultus 3.663049 7.92078444 -0.1901397 2.4922819 #> PCIV_lamella_num awesomeness hostility attitude ecomorph island #> 1: 0.31138087 1.718720076 -1.6900790 1.0214567 TW Hispaniola #> 2: 0.58486431 0.006869282 0.1448154 0.2937643 TC Hispaniola #> 3: 1.00756926 1.592083294 -1.7010527 1.4531345 TC Hispaniola #> 4: 1.80512493 -1.065610146 0.9200977 -0.9372173 TC Hispaniola #> 5: 1.02571762 0.290926638 -0.6209660 1.2803335 TC Hispaniola #> 6: -0.09577977 -1.191686980 1.2153014 0.0324486 TW Puerto Rico