Please contribute!

We love collaboration.

Found a Bug?

  • Submit an issue on our Issues page here.

Code contributions?

  • Fork this repo to your Github account.
  • Clone your version on your account down to your machine from your account, e.g,. git clone<yourgithubusername>/smapr.git.
  • Make sure to track upstream progress (i.e., on our version of smapr at earthlab/smapr) by doing git remote add upstream Before making changes make sure to pull changes in from upstream by doing either git fetch upstream then merge later or git pull upstream to fetch and merge in one step
  • Make your changes (bonus points for making changes on a new branch).
  • Push up to your account.
  • Submit a pull request to home base at earthlab/smapr.

Please follow this styleguide for your contributions.


Get in touch:

Thanks for contributing!