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nuts_aggregate() transforms regional NUTS data between NUTS levels.


  weight = NULL,
  missing_rm = FALSE,
  missing_weights_pct = FALSE,
  multiple_versions = c("error", "most_frequent")



A nuts.classified object returned by nuts_classify().


Number corresponding to the desired NUTS level to be aggregated to: 1 or 2.


Named character specifying variable names and variable type ('absolute' or 'relative'), e.g. c('var_name' = 'absolute').


String with name of the weight used for conversion. Can be area size 'areaKm' (default), population in 2011 'pop11' or 2018 'pop18', or artificial surfaces in 2012 'artif_surf12' and 2018 'artif_surf18'.


Boolean that is FALSE by default. TRUE removes regional flows that depart from missing NUTS codes.


Boolean that is FALSE by default. TRUE computes the percentage of missing weights due to missing departing NUTS regions for each variable.


By default equal to 'error', when providing multiple NUTS versions within groups. If set to 'most_frequent' data is converted using the best-matching NUTS version.


A tibble containing NUTS codes, aggregated variable values, and possibly grouping variables.


Console messages can be controlled with rlang::local_options(nuts.verbose = "quiet") to silence messages and nuts.verbose = "verbose" to switch messages back on.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# Load EUROSTAT data of manure storage deposits

# Data varies at the NUTS level x indicator x year x country x NUTS code level
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   indic_ag   geo    time values
#>   <chr>      <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 I07A1_EQ_Y AT     2010  97401
#> 2 I07A1_EQ_Y AT1    2010  21388
#> 3 I07A1_EQ_Y AT11   2010   2110
#> 4 I07A1_EQ_Y AT111  2010    270
#> 5 I07A1_EQ_Y AT112  2010    455
#> 6 I07A1_EQ_Y AT113  2010   1385

# Aggregate from NUTS 3 to 2 by indicator x year
manure %>%
  filter(nchar(geo) == 5) %>%
  nuts_classify(nuts_code = "geo",
                group_vars = c('indic_ag','time')) %>%
  # Group vars are automatically passed on
  nuts_aggregate(to_level = 2,
                 variables = c('values'= 'absolute'),
                 weight = 'pop18')
#> ── Classifying version of NUTS codes ───────────────────────────────────────────
#> Within groups defined by country, indic_ag, and time:
#> ! These NUTS codes cannot be identified or classified: ME000, ME000, ME000,
#>   ME000, ME000, ME000, ME000, ME000, NOZZZ, NOZZZ, NOZZZ, NOZZZ, SIZZZ, and
#>   NOZZZ.
#>  Unique NUTS version classified.
#>  Missing NUTS codes detected. See the tibble 'missing_data' in the output.
#> ── Converting version of NUTS codes ────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Within groups defined by country, indic_ag, and time:
#>  Aggregate from NUTS regional level 3 to 2.
#>  These NUTS codes cannot be converted and are dropped: ME000, NOZZZ, and
#>   SIZZZ.
#>  Version is unique.
#>  Missing NUTS codes in data. No values are calculated for regions associated
#>   with missing NUTS codes. Ensure that the input data is complete.
#> # A tibble: 4,814 × 5
#>    to_code country indic_ag     time values
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 AT11    Austria I07A1_EQ_Y   2010   2110
#>  2 AT11    Austria I07A1_EQ_YC  2010    337
#>  3 AT11    Austria I07A2_EQ_Y   2010    802
#>  4 AT11    Austria I07A2_EQ_YC  2010    756
#>  5 AT11    Austria I07A31_EQ_Y  2010    278
#>  6 AT11    Austria I07A32_EQ_Y  2010     31
#>  7 AT11    Austria I07A3_EQ_YC  2010    261
#>  8 AT11    Austria I07A_EQ_Y    2010   2180
#>  9 AT12    Austria I07A1_EQ_Y   2010  19250
#> 10 AT12    Austria I07A1_EQ_YC  2010   1853
#> # ℹ 4,804 more rows