Export raster objects as ESRI ascii files.

util_writeESRI(x, filepath)

# S3 method for RasterLayer
util_writeESRI(x, filepath)



Raster* object


path where to write the raster to file


raster::writeRaster or SDMTools::write.asc both export files that are recognised by most GIS software, nevertheless they both have UNIX linebreaks. Some proprietary software (like SPIP for example) require an exact 1:1 replica of the output of ESRI's ArcMap, which as a Windows software has no carriage returns at the end of each line. util_writeESRI should therefore only be used if you need this, otherwise raster::writeRaster is the better fit for exporting raster data in R.


# \dontrun{ util_writeESRI(gradient_landscape, "gradient_landscape.asc") # }