This is a general purpose TIFF I/O utility for R. The tiff package already exists for this purpose but ijtiff adds some functionality and overcomes some bugs therein.

  • ijtiff can write TIFF files whose pixel values are real (floating-point) numbers; tiff cannot.
  • ijtiff can read and write text images; tiff cannot.
  • tiff struggles to interpret channel information and gives cryptic errors when reading TIFF files written by the ImageJ software; ijtiff works smoothly with these images.

The github repo of ijtiff is at


You can install the released version of ijtiff from CRAN with:

You can install the released version of ijtiff from GitHub with:


How to use ijtiff

The Reading and Writing Images article is probably all you need to know.

More about ijtiff

  • Text Images tells you more about what text images are and why you might ever use them.
  • The ImageJ Problem explains the problem that tiff has when reading TIFF files written by ImageJ and how ijtiff fixes this problem.