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This function calculates common correlation values between dated tree-ring series (x) and a set of reference chronologies (y). When no master chronologies are provided, each series in x is compared to all other series in x.

Only values are reported for pairs of series with a common overlap >= min_overlap.

The correlation values computed include:

  • glk: 'Gleichläufigkeit' or 'percentage of parallel variation' (Buras & Wilmking 2015; Eckstein & Bauch 1969; Huber 1942; Visser 2020)

  • glk_p: significance level associated with the glk-value (Jansma 1995)

  • r_pearson: the Pearson's correlation coefficient

  • t_St: Student's t-value

  • t_BP: t-values according to the Baillie & Pilcher (1973) algorithm

  • t_Ho: t-values according to the Hollstein (1980) algorithm


  y = NULL,
  min_overlap = 50,
  remove_duplicates = TRUE,
  output = "table",
  sort_by = "t_Ho"



A data.frame of class ´rwl' with tree-ring data. Each column represents a measurement series, and row names correspond to (calendar) years.


A data.frame of class 'rwl' with tree-ring data. Each column represents a measurement series or chronology, and row names correspond to (calendar) years. If NULL (default), x is compared to itself (y = x).


A numeric value specifying the minimum overlap required between series for correlation calculation.


A logical value. If TRUE, identical pairs of series and references are removed from the output.


The desired output format, either "matrix" or "table" (default).


The correlation value by which the output is sorted for each series in x. One of "r_pearson", "t_St", "glk", "glk_p", "t_BP", "t_Ho". Default to "t_Ho"


The function returns a list of correlation matrices if output is set to "matrix." If output is set to "table," it returns a data.frame

reporting all correlation values.


This function computes various correlation values between tree-ring series in a data.frame x and a set of reference chronologies in a data.frame y. If y is not provided, it compares each series in x to all other series in `x.


  • Baillie, M.G.L., Pilcher, J.R. (1973) A simple crossdating program for tree-ring research. Tree-Ring Bulletin 33, 7–14.

  • Buras, A. and Wilmking, M. (2015) Correcting the calculation of Gleichläufigkeit, Dendrochronologia 34, 29-30.

  • Eckstein, D. and Bauch, J. (1969) Beitrag zur Rationalisierung eines dendrochronologischen Verfahrens und zur Analyse seiner Aussagesicherheit. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, 88(1), 230-250.

  • Huber, B. (1943) Über die Sicherheit jahrringchronologischer Datierung. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 6, 263-268.

  • Hollstein E. (1980) Mitteleuropäische Eichenchronologie. Trierer dendrochronologische Forschungen zur Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, Trierer Grabungen und Forschungen 11, Mainz am Rhein.

  • Jansma, E. (1995) RemembeRINGs; The development and application of local and regional tree-ring chronologies of oak for the purposes of archaeological and historical research in the Netherlands, Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 19, Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, Amersfoort.

  • Schweingruber, F. H. (1988) Tree rings: basics and applications of dendrochronology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 276 p.

  • Visser, R.M. (2020) On the similarity of tree-ring patterns: Assessing the influence of semi-synchronous growth changes on the Gleichläufigkeit for big tree-ring data sets, Archaeometry 63, 204-215.


# example code

Doel1 <- system.file("extdata", "DOEL1.fh", package = "fellingdater")
Doel1_trs <- read_fh(Doel1, verbose = FALSE)
# crossdating ring-width series from Doel 1 against each other:

cor_results <- cor_table(Doel1_trs, output = "table", min_overlap = 80,
sort_by = "t_Ho", remove_duplicates = TRUE)
#>     series length first last reference ref_first ref_last overlap  glk
#> 29 GD3-1BB     89  1222 1310    GQ1mBB      1150     1314      89 52.8
#> 73 GD3-1BB     89  1222 1310    S13mSB      1164     1322      89 48.9
#> 91 GD3-1BB     89  1222 1310     S6-SB      1221     1324      89 54.5
#> 58 GD3-1BB     89  1222 1310    K1_095      1207     1320      89 51.7
#> 31 GD3-1BB     89  1222 1310    GR1mBB      1220     1310      89 47.2
#> 87 GD3-1BB     89  1222 1310    S38-BB      1193     1306      85 54.2
#> 75 GG1-1BB     83  1240 1322    S13mSB      1164     1322      83 59.8
#> 69 GG1-1BB     83  1240 1322   S13A-BB      1232     1324      83 55.5
#> 59 GG1-1BB     83  1240 1322    K1_095      1207     1320      81 50.6
#> 98 GG1-1BB     83  1240 1322     S6-SB      1221     1324      83 47.0
#> 33  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314    GR1mBB      1220     1310      91 76.7
#> 76  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314    S13mSB      1164     1322     151 59.0
#> 60  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314    K1_095      1207     1320     108 56.1
#> 47  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314    K1_091      1158     1292     135 60.1
#> 62  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314   S13A-BB      1232     1324      83 54.9
#> 89  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314    S38-BB      1193     1306     114 49.6
#> 95  GQ1mBB    165  1150 1314     S6-SB      1221     1324      94 54.3
#> 77  GR1mBB     91  1220 1310    S13mSB      1164     1322      91 65.0
#> 51  GR1mBB     91  1220 1310    K1_095      1207     1320      91 60.0
#> 92  GR1mBB     91  1220 1310     S6-SB      1221     1324      90 55.6
#>           glk_p    r_pearson        t_St  t_BP  t_Ho
#> 29 5.919436e-01 -0.249779208 -2.40605037  2.11  2.74
#> 73 1.169772e+00  0.201284974  1.91669069  1.48  1.97
#> 91 3.910942e-01  0.035883266  0.33491251  2.16  1.92
#> 58 7.477459e-01  0.258187935  2.49273359  0.78  1.71
#> 31 1.408056e+00 -0.370271866 -3.71792327  0.78  1.18
#> 87 4.423117e-01  0.426532081  4.29630804  0.20  0.00
#> 75 7.546208e-02 -0.005084336 -0.04575962  2.28  2.93
#> 69 3.173465e-01  0.217882020  2.00920920  1.06  2.06
#> 59 9.104270e-01  0.597953189  6.63071551  0.09  1.07
#> 98 1.421457e+00 -0.137136419 -1.24599977  0.27  0.78
#> 33 3.624784e-07  0.727924641 10.01554116 12.23 10.41
#> 76 2.697516e-02  0.572471464  8.52261829  5.84  5.40
#> 60 2.067270e-01 -0.282768827 -3.03515368  3.52  3.02
#> 47 1.922538e-02  0.151940473  1.77284639  2.28  2.67
#> 62 3.740983e-01 -0.041724848 -0.37585094  2.19  2.48
#> 89 1.075278e+00 -0.178020527 -1.91457410  2.74  2.34
#> 95 4.042757e-01  0.078494804  0.75522595  1.09  1.16
#> 77 4.212192e-03  0.182334033  1.74946269  4.02  4.24
#> 51 5.640693e-02 -0.248806924 -2.42344980  3.38  3.50
#> 92 2.864524e-01  0.286284295  2.80290094  0.80  0.91