Kauê de Sousa and Adam H. Sparks (2020). chirps: API Client for CHIRPS. R package version 0.0.8. https://agrobioinfoservices.github.io/chirps/

  title = {chirps: API Client for CHIRPS},
  author = {Kauê {de Sousa} and Adam H. Sparks},
  year = {2020},
  note = {R package version 0.0.8},
  url = {https://agrobioinfoservices.github.io/chirps/},
  • Kauê de Sousa. Author, maintainer.

  • Adam H. Sparks. Author.

  • William Ashmall. Contributor.
    API Client implementation

  • Jacob van Etten. Thesis advisor.

  • Svein Ø. Solberg. Thesis advisor.