Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers


# Default S3 method
synonyms(sci_id, db = NULL, rows = NA, x = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'tsn'
synonyms(id, ...)

# S3 method for class 'tpsid'
synonyms(id, ...)

# S3 method for class 'nbnid'
synonyms(id, ...)

# S3 method for class 'wormsid'
synonyms(id, ...)

# S3 method for class 'iucn'
synonyms(id, ...)

# S3 method for class 'pow'
synonyms(id, ...)

# S3 method for class 'ids'
synonyms(id, ...)




Other passed arguments to internal functions get_*() and functions to gather synonyms.


Vector of taxa names (character) or IDs (character or numeric)


character; database to query. either itis, tropicos, nbn, worms, or pow. Note that each taxonomic data source has their own identifiers, so that if you provide the wrong db value for the identifier you could get a result, but it will likely be wrong (not what you were expecting). If using tropicos, we recommend getting an API key; see taxize-authentication


(numeric) Any number from 1 to infinity. If the default NA, all rows are considered. Note that this parameter is ignored if you pass in a taxonomic id of any of the acceptable classes: tsn, tpsid, nbnid, ids.


For synonyms(): deprecated, see sci_id. For synonyms_df(), the output of synonyms()


character; identifiers, returned by get_tsn(), get_tpsid(), get_nbnid(), get_wormsid(), get_pow()


A named list of results with three types of output in each slot:

  • if the name was not found: NA_character_

  • if the name was found but no synonyms found, an empty data.frame (0 rows)

  • if the name was found, and synonyms found, a data.frames with the synonyms - the column names vary by data source


If IDs are supplied directly (not from the get_*() functions) you must specify the type of ID.

For db = "itis" you can pass in a parameter accepted to toggle whether only accepted names are used accepted = TRUE, or if all are used accepted = FALSE. The default is accepted = FALSE

Note that IUCN requires an API key. See rredlist::rredlist-package for help on authentiating with IUCN Redlist


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Plug in taxon IDs
synonyms(183327, db="itis")
synonyms("25509881", db="tropicos")
synonyms("NBNSYS0000004629", db='nbn')
synonyms(105706, db='worms')
synonyms(12392, db='iucn')
synonyms('', db='pow')

# Plug in taxon names directly
synonyms("Pinus contorta", db="itis")
synonyms("Puma concolor", db="itis")
synonyms(c("Poa annua",'Pinus contorta','Puma concolor'), db="itis")
synonyms("Poa annua", db="tropicos")
synonyms("Pinus contorta", db="tropicos")
synonyms(c("Poa annua",'Pinus contorta'), db="tropicos")
synonyms("Pinus sylvestris", db='nbn')
synonyms('Pomatomus', db='worms')
synonyms('Pomatomus saltatrix', db='worms')
synonyms('Lithocarpus mindanaensis', db='pow')
synonyms('Poa annua', db='pow')
synonyms(c('Poa annua', 'Pinus contorta', 'foo bar'), db='pow')

# not accepted names, with ITIS
## looks for whether the name given is an accepted name,
## and if not, uses the accepted name to look for synonyms
synonyms("Acer drummondii", db="itis")
synonyms("Spinus pinus", db="itis")

# Use get_* methods
synonyms(get_tsn("Poa annua"))
synonyms(get_tpsid("Poa annua"))
synonyms(get_nbnid("Carcharodon carcharias"))
synonyms(get_iucn('Loxodonta africana'))
synonyms(get_pow('Lithocarpus mindanaensis'))

# Pass many ids from class "ids"
out <- get_ids(names="Poa annua", db = c('itis','tropicos'))

# Use the rows parameter to select certain rows
synonyms("Poa annua", db='tropicos', rows=1)
synonyms("Poa annua", db='tropicos', rows=1:3)
synonyms("Pinus sylvestris", db='nbn', rows=1:3)

# Use curl options
synonyms("Poa annua", db='tropicos', rows=1, verbose = TRUE)
synonyms("Poa annua", db='itis', rows=1, verbose = TRUE)

# combine many outputs together
x <- synonyms(c("Osmia bicornis", "Osmia rufa", "Osmia"), db = "itis")

## note here how Pinus contorta is dropped due to no synonyms found

## note here that ids are taxon identifiers b/c you start with them
x <- synonyms(c(25509881, 13100094), db="tropicos")

## NBN
x <- synonyms(c('Aglais io', 'Usnea hirta', 'Arctostaphylos uva-ursi'),
} # }