Get any matching IUCN species names

iucn_getname(name, verbose = TRUE, ...)



character; taxon name


logical; should messages be printed?


Further arguments passed on to iucn_summary(), note that you'll need an API key.


Character vector of names that matched in IUCN


Beware: IUCN functions can give back incorrect data. This isn't our fault. We do our best to get you the correct data quickly, but sometimes IUCN gives back the wrong data, and sometimes Global Names gives back the wrong data. We will fix these as soon as possible. In the meantime, just make sure that the data you get back is correct.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
iucn_getname(name = "Cyanistes caeruleus")
iucn_getname(name = "Panthera uncia")

# not found in global names
# iucn_getname(name = "Abronia pinsapo")

# not found in IUCN search
iucn_getname(name = "Acacia allenii")
} # }