NOTE: this function is depreciated and will be removed in a future version.
The service this function interacts with is no longer maintained and has been
replaced by GNA Verifier, which can be used with the gna_verifier()
data_source_ids = NULL,
resolve_once = FALSE,
with_context = FALSE,
canonical = FALSE,
highestscore = TRUE,
best_match_only = FALSE,
preferred_data_sources = NULL,
with_canonical_ranks = FALSE,
http = "get",
cap_first = TRUE,
fields = "minimal",
names = NULL,
character; taxonomic names to be resolved. Doesn't work for vernacular/common names.
character; IDs to specify what data source is
searched. See gnr_datasources()
logical; Find the first available match instead of
matches across all data sources with all possible renderings of a name.
, response is rapid but incomplete.
logical; Reduce the likelihood of matches to taxonomic
homonyms. When TRUE
a common taxonomic context is calculated for all
supplied names from matches in data sources that have classification tree
paths. Names out of determined context are penalized during score
logical; If FALSE
(default), gives back names with
taxonomic authorities. If TRUE
, returns canocial names (without tax.
authorities and abbreviations).
logical; Return those names with the highest score for each searched name? Defunct
(logical) If TRUE
, best match only returned.
Default: FALSE
(character) A vector of one or more data source IDs.
(logical) Returns names with infraspecific ranks,
if present. If TRUE
, we force canonical=TRUE
, otherwise this parameter
would have no effect. Default: FALSE
The HTTP method to use, one of "get" or "post". Default: "get".
Use http="post"
with large queries. Queries with > 300 records use "post"
automatically because "get" would fail
(logical) For each name, fix so that the first name part is
capitalized, while others are not. This web service is sensitive to
capitalization, so you'll get different results depending on
capitalization. First name capitalized is likely what you'll want and is
the default. If FALSE
, names are not modified. Default: TRUE
(character) One of minimal (default) or all. Minimal gives back just four fields, whereas all gives all fields back.
Deprecated, see sci
Curl options passed on to crul::HttpClient
A data.frame with one attribute not_known
: a character vector of
taxa unknown to the Global Names Index. Access like attr(output, "not_known")
, or attributes(output)$not_known
Columns of the output data.frame:
user_supplied_name (character) - the name you passed in to the
parameter, unchanged.
submitted_name (character) - the actual name submitted to the GNR service
data_source_id (integer/numeric) - data source ID
data_source_title (character) - data source name
gni_uuid (character) - Global Names Index UUID (aka identifier)
matched_name (character) - the matched name in the GNR service
matched_name2 (character) - returned if canonical=TRUE
, in
which case matched_name is not returned
classification_path (character) - names of the taxonomic
classification tree, with names separated by pipes (|
classification_path_ranks (character) - ranks of the taxonomic
classification tree, with names separated by pipes (|
classification_path_ids (character) - identifiers of the taxonomic
classification tree, with names separated by pipes (|
taxon_id (character) - taxon identifier
edit_distance (integer/numeric) - edit distance
imported_at (character) - date imported
match_type (integer/numeric) - match type
match_value (character) - description of match type
prescore (character) - pre score
score (numeric) - score
local_id (character) - local identifier
url (character) - URL for taxon
global_id (character) - global identifier
current_taxon_id (character) - current taxon id
current_name_string (character) - current name string
Note that names (i.e. rows) are dropped that are NA, are zero length strings, are not character vectors, or are not found by the API.
See section Age of datasets in the Global Names Resolver
used in the Global Names Resolver vary in how recently they've been
updated. See the updated_at
field in the output of gnr_datasources()
for dates when each dataset was last updated.
If preferred_data_sources
is used, only
the preferred data is returned - if it has any results.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
gnr_resolve(sci = c("Helianthus annuus", "Homo sapiens"))
gnr_resolve(sci = c("Asteraceae", "Plantae"))
# Using data source 12 (Encyclopedia of Life)
sources <- gnr_datasources()
eol <- sources$id[sources$title == 'EOL']
gnr_resolve(names=c("Helianthos annuus","Homo sapians"), data_source_ids=eol)
# Two species in the NE Brazil catalogue
sps <- c('Justicia brasiliana','Schinopsis brasiliensis')
gnr_resolve(sci = sps, data_source_ids = 145)
# Best match only, compare the two
gnr_resolve(sci = "Helianthus annuus", best_match_only = FALSE)
gnr_resolve(sci = "Helianthus annuus", best_match_only = TRUE)
# Preferred data source
gnr_resolve(sci = "Helianthus annuus", preferred_data_sources = c(3,4))
# Return canonical names - default is canonical=FALSE
head(gnr_resolve(sci = "Helianthus annuus"))
head(gnr_resolve(sci = "Helianthus annuus", canonical=TRUE))
# Return canonical names with authority stripped but
# ranks still present
gnr_resolve("Scorzonera hispanica L. subsp. asphodeloides Wallr.")
## vs.
gnr_resolve("Scorzonera hispanica L. subsp. asphodeloides Wallr.",
with_canonical_ranks = TRUE)
} # }