BEWARE: this function scrapes data from the BOLD website, so may be unstable. That is, one day it may work, and the next it may fail. Open an issue if you encounter an error:
bold_children(id, ...)
(integer) A BOLD taxonomic identifier. length=1. required
named curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET debugging
list of data.frame's
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Osmia (genus): 253 children
bold_children(id = 4940)
# Momotus (genus): 3 children
bold_children(id = 88899)
# Momotus aequatorialis (species): no children
bold_children(id = 115130)
# Osmia sp1 (species): no children
bold_children(id = 293378)
# Arthropoda (phylum): 27 children
bold_children(id = 82)
# Psocodea (order): 51 children
bold_children(id = 737139)
# Megachilinae (subfamily): 2 groups (tribes: 3, genera: 60)
bold_children(id = 4962)
# Stelis (species): 78 taxa
bold_children(id = 4952)
} # }