traits tutorial

for v0.2.0

## Installation Install and load `traits` into the R session. Stable version from CRAN ```r install.packages("traits") ``` Or development version from Github: ```r if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ropensci/traits") ``` ```r library("traits") ```
## Usage ### BetyDB Get trait data for Willow (_Salix_ spp.) ```r (salix <- betydb_search("Salix Vcmax")) ``` ``` #> Source: local data frame [14 x 31] #> #> access_level author checked citation_id citation_year city #> (int) (chr) (int) (int) (int) (chr) #> 1 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 2 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 3 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 4 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 5 4 Wullschleger 1 51 1993 NA #> 6 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 7 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 8 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 9 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 10 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 11 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 12 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 13 4 Merilo 1 430 2005 Saare #> 14 4 Wang 1 381 2010 NA #> Variables not shown: commonname (chr), cultivar_id (int), date (chr), #> dateloc (chr), genus (chr), id (int), lat (dbl), lon (dbl), mean (dbl), #> month (dbl), n (int), notes (chr), result_type (chr), scientificname #> (chr), site_id (int), sitename (chr), species_id (int), stat (dbl), #> statname (chr), trait (chr), trait_description (chr), treatment (chr), #> treatment_id (int), units (chr), year (dbl) ``` ```r # equivalent: # (out <- betydb_search("willow")) ``` Summarise data from the output `data.frame` ```r library("dplyr") salix %>% group_by(scientificname, trait) %>% mutate(.mean = as.numeric(mean)) %>% summarise(mean = round(mean(.mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2), min = round(min(.mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2), max = round(max(.mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2), n = length(n)) ``` ``` #> Source: local data frame [4 x 6] #> Groups: scientificname [?] #> #> scientificname trait mean min max n #> (chr) (chr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (int) #> 1 Salix Vcmax 65.00 65.00 65.00 1 #> 2 Salix dasyclados Vcmax 46.08 34.30 56.68 4 #> 3 Salix sachalinensis × miyabeana Vcmax 79.28 79.28 79.28 1 #> 4 Salix viminalis Vcmax 43.04 19.99 61.29 8 ``` ### NCBI sequence data Get sequences by id ```r ncbi_byid(ids = "360040093") ``` ``` #> taxon #> 1 Eristalis transversa #> gene_desc #> 1 Eristalis transversa voucher CNC:Diptera:102013 cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial #> gi_no acc_no length #> 1 360040093 JN991986.1 658 #> sequence #> 1 tactttatattttgtatttggaacatgagcgggtatagtaggaacttcattaagaattttaattcgagctgaattaggtcatccaggtgcattaattggtgatgatcaaatttataatgttattgtaacagctcatgcttttgttataattttttttatagtaatacctattataattggaggatttggaaattgattagtaccacttatattaggagctccagatatagcattccctcgaataaataatataagtttctgattattacctccttctttaactctattattagtaagaagtatagtagaaaatggggctggaacaggatgaacagtttatcctccattatcaagtaatattgcacatggaggagcctcagttgatttagcaattttttcacttcacttatcaggaatatcatctattttaggtgcagtaaattttattacaacagttattaatatacgatcaacaggaattacttatgatcgtatacctttatttgtttgatctgttgctattacagctttattattattattatcattaccagtactagcaggagctattacaatattattaactgatcgaaatttaaatacatcattctttgatccagcaggaggaggagaccctatcctgtaccaacacttattc ``` Get sequences searching by taxonomic name ```r out <- ncbi_searcher(taxa = "Umbra limi", seqrange = "1:2000") head(out) ``` ``` #> taxon length #> 1 Umbra limi 169 #> 2 Umbra limi 412 #> 3 Umbra limi 315 #> 4 Umbra limi 200 #> 5 Umbra limi 333 #> 6 Umbra limi 242 #> gene_desc #> 1 Umbra limi mitochondrial gene for 12S rRNA, partial sequence #> 2 Umbra limi tRNA-Glu gene, partial sequence; and cytochrome b (CYTB) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial #> 3 Umbra limi 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; mitochondrial #> 4 Umbra limi 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; mitochondrial #> 5 Umbra limi 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; mitochondrial #> 6 Umbra limi 12S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; mitochondrial #> acc_no gi_no #> 1 LC021016 985564997 #> 2 KM523322 725542537 #> 3 KM435059 725542420 #> 4 KM434991 725542361 #> 5 KM282516 725542294 #> 6 KM282453 725542240 ``` ### GISD invasive species data > NOTE: we're moving all functions having to do with where species are native/invasive to a new package []( ```r sp <- c("Carpobrotus edulis", "Rosmarinus officinalis") g_invasive(sp) ``` ``` #> species status #> 1 Carpobrotus edulis ; #> 2 Rosmarinus officinalis ; ``` Or as simplified output ```r g_invasive(sp, simplify = TRUE) ``` ``` #> species status #> 1 Carpobrotus edulis Invasive #> 2 Rosmarinus officinalis Invasive ``` ### EOL invasive species data > NOTE: we're moving all functions having to do with where species are native/invasive to a new package []( ```r eol_invasive_('Brassica oleracea', dataset = 'gisd') ``` ``` #> searched_name name eol_object_id db #> 1 Brassica oleracea Brassica oleracea NaN gisd ``` Another example, with more species, and from ```r eol_invasive_(c('Lymantria dispar','Cygnus olor', 'Hydrilla verticillata','Pinus concolor'), dataset = 'i3n') ``` ``` #> searched_name name eol_object_id db #> 1 Lymantria dispar Lymantria dispar NaN i3n #> 2 Cygnus olor Cygnus olor NaN i3n #> 3 Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla verticillata NaN i3n #> 4 Pinus concolor Pinus concolor NaN i3n ``` ### EOL's Traitbank data Note that EOL's Traitbank does not allow us to search by trait. The only interface we have is to search by taxon page ID. Searching for _Potus flavus_, page id `328067` ```r res <- traitbank(pageid = 328067) res$graph %>% select(dwc.measurementtype, dwc.measurementvalue) %>% filter(! ``` ``` #> Source: local data frame [77 x 2] #> #> dwc.measurementtype #> (chr) #> 1 #> 2 #> 3 #> 4 #> 5 #> 6 #> 7 #> 8 #> 9 #> 10 #> .. ... #> Variables not shown: dwc.measurementvalue (chr) ``` ### Coral Get the species list and their ids ```r coral_species() ``` ``` #> Source: local data frame [1,548 x 2] #> #> name id #> (chr) (chr) #> 1 Acanthastrea brevis 3 #> 2 Acanthastrea echinata 4 #> 3 Acanthastrea hemprichi 6 #> 4 Acanthastrea ishigakiensis 8 #> 5 Acanthastrea regularis 12 #> 6 Acanthastrea rotundoflora 13 #> 7 Acanthastrea subechinata 14 #> 8 Acropora abrolhosensis 16 #> 9 Acropora abrotanoides 17 #> 10 Acropora aculeus 18 #> .. ... ... ``` Get data by taxon ```r coral_taxa(80) ``` ``` #> Source: local data frame [3,540 x 25] #> #> observation_id access user_id specie_id specie_name location_id #> (int) (int) (int) (int) (chr) (int) #> 1 157133 1 10 80 Acropora hyacinthus 1 #> 2 156961 1 14 80 Acropora hyacinthus 409 #> 3 5781 1 1 80 Acropora hyacinthus 1 #> 4 156610 1 2 80 Acropora hyacinthus 500 #> 5 158118 1 10 80 Acropora hyacinthus 409 #> 6 119211 1 49 80 Acropora hyacinthus 1 #> 7 158211 1 10 80 Acropora hyacinthus 413 #> 8 90294 1 15 80 Acropora hyacinthus 341 #> 9 90294 1 15 80 Acropora hyacinthus 341 #> 10 90294 1 15 80 Acropora hyacinthus 341 #> .. ... ... ... ... ... ... #> Variables not shown: location_name (chr), latitude (dbl), longitude (dbl), #> resource_id (int), resource_secondary_id (int), measurement_id (int), #> trait_id (int), trait_name (chr), standard_id (int), standard_unit #> (chr), methodology_id (int), methodology_name (chr), value (chr), #> value_type (chr), precision (dbl), precision_type (chr), precision_upper #> (dbl), replicates (int), notes (chr) ``` Get data by trait ```r coral_traits(105) ``` ``` #> Source: local data frame [0 x 25] #> #> Variables not shown: observation_id (lgl), access (lgl), user_id (lgl), #> specie_id (lgl), specie_name (lgl), location_id (lgl), location_name #> (lgl), latitude (lgl), longitude (lgl), resource_id (lgl), #> resource_secondary_id (lgl), measurement_id (lgl), trait_id (lgl), #> trait_name (lgl), standard_id (lgl), standard_unit (lgl), methodology_id #> (lgl), methodology_name (lgl), value (lgl), value_type (lgl), precision #> (lgl), precision_type (lgl), precision_upper (lgl), replicates (lgl), #> notes (lgl) ``` ### Flora Europaea ```r sp <- c("Lavandula stoechas", "Carpobrotus edulis", "Rhododendron ponticum", "Alkanna lutea", "Anchusa arvensis") sapply(sp, fe_native, simplify = FALSE) ``` ``` #> $`Lavandula stoechas` #> $`Lavandula stoechas`$native #> [1] "Islas_Baleares" "Corse" "Kriti" "France" #> [5] "Greece" "Spain" "Italy" "Portugal" #> [9] "Sardegna" "Sicilia" "Turkey" #> #> $`Lavandula stoechas`$exotic #> [1] NA #> #> $`Lavandula stoechas`$status_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Lavandula stoechas`$occurrence_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Lavandula stoechas`$extinct #> [1] NA #> #> #> $`Carpobrotus edulis` #> $`Carpobrotus edulis`$native #> [1] NA #> #> $`Carpobrotus edulis`$exotic #> [1] "Albania" "Azores" "Belgium" "Islas_Baleares" #> [5] "Britain" "Corse" "France" "Greece" #> [9] "Ireland" "Spain" "Italy" "Portugal" #> [13] "Sicilia" #> #> $`Carpobrotus edulis`$status_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Carpobrotus edulis`$occurrence_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Carpobrotus edulis`$extinct #> [1] NA #> #> #> $`Rhododendron ponticum` #> $`Rhododendron ponticum`$native #> [1] "Bulgaria" "Spain" "Portugal" "Turkey" #> #> $`Rhododendron ponticum`$exotic #> [1] "Belgium" "Britain" "France" "Ireland" #> #> $`Rhododendron ponticum`$status_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Rhododendron ponticum`$occurrence_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Rhododendron ponticum`$extinct #> [1] NA #> #> #> $`Alkanna lutea` #> $`Alkanna lutea`$native #> [1] "Islas_Baleares" "Corse" "France" "Spain" #> [5] "Italy" "Sardegna" #> #> $`Alkanna lutea`$exotic #> [1] NA #> #> $`Alkanna lutea`$status_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Alkanna lutea`$occurrence_doubtful #> [1] "Portugal" #> #> $`Alkanna lutea`$extinct #> [1] NA #> #> #> $`Anchusa arvensis` #> $`Anchusa arvensis`$native #> [1] "Albania" "Austria" #> [3] "Belgium" "Islas_Baleares" #> [5] "Britain" "Bulgaria" #> [7] "Corse" "Czechoslovakia" #> [9] "Denmark" "Finland" #> [11] "France" "Germany" #> [13] "Greece" "Switzerland" #> [15] "Netherlands" "Spain" #> [17] "Hungary" "Italy" #> [19] "Jugoslavia" "Portugal" #> [21] "Norway" "Poland" #> [23] "Romania" "USSR" #> [25] "USSR_Northern_Division" "USSR_Baltic_Division" #> [27] "USSR_Central_Division" "USSR_South_western" #> [29] "USSR_Krym" "USSRSouth_eastern_Division" #> [31] "Sicilia" "Sweden" #> #> $`Anchusa arvensis`$exotic #> [1] "Faroer" #> #> $`Anchusa arvensis`$status_doubtful #> [1] "Ireland" "Sardegna" #> #> $`Anchusa arvensis`$occurrence_doubtful #> [1] NA #> #> $`Anchusa arvensis`$extinct #> [1] NA ``` ### Birdlife International Habitat data ```r birdlife_habitat(22721692) ``` ``` #> id Habitat (level 1) Habitat (level 2) Importance #> 1 22721692 Forest Subtropical/Tropical Dry suitable #> 2 22721692 Forest Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane major #> 3 22721692 Forest Temperate suitable #> 4 22721692 Shrubland Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude suitable #> Occurrence #> 1 breeding #> 2 non-breeding #> 3 breeding #> 4 breeding ``` Threats data ```r birdlife_threats(22721692) ``` ``` #> id threat1 #> 1 22721692 Agriculture & aquaculture #> 2 22721692 Agriculture & aquaculture #> 3 22721692 Biological resource use #> 4 22721692 Energy production & mining #> 5 22721692 Invasive and other problematic species, genes & diseases #> 6 22721692 Residential & commercial development #> threat2 #> 1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops / Agro-industry farming #> 2 Annual & perennial non-timber crops / Small-holder farming #> 3 Logging & wood harvesting / Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest] #> 4 Mining & quarrying #> 5 Problematic native species/diseases #> 6 Housing & urban areas #> stresses timing scope #> 1 Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion Ongoing #> 2 Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion Ongoing #> 3 Ecosystem degradation Ongoing #> 4 Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion Ongoing #> 5 Species mortality Ongoing #> 6 Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion Ongoing #> severity impact #> 1 Majority (50-90%) NA #> 2 Majority (50-90%) NA #> 3 Majority (50-90%) NA #> 4 Majority (50-90%) NA #> 5 Minority ( NA #> 6 Minority ( NA ``` ### Nativity > NOTE: we're moving all functions having to do with where species are native/invasive to a new package []( ```r sp <- c("Lavandula stoechas", "Carpobrotus edulis", "Rhododendron ponticum", "Alkanna lutea", "Anchusa arvensis") ``` Native in the continental USA? ```r sapply(sp, is_native, where = "Continental US", region = "america") ``` ``` #> Lavandula stoechas Carpobrotus edulis Rhododendron ponticum #> name "Lavandula stoechas" "Carpobrotus edulis" "Rhododendron ponticum" #> origin "Introduced" "Introduced" "species not in itis" #> Alkanna lutea Anchusa arvensis #> name "Alkanna lutea" "Anchusa arvensis" #> origin "species not in itis" "Introduced" ``` Native on Islas Baleares? ```r sapply(sp, is_native, where = "Islas_Baleares", region = "europe") ``` ``` #> Lavandula stoechas Carpobrotus edulis #> name "Lavandula stoechas" "Carpobrotus edulis" #> origin "Native" "Introduced" #> Rhododendron ponticum Alkanna lutea #> name "Rhododendron ponticum" "Alkanna lutea" #> origin "Species not present in your selected region" "Native" #> Anchusa arvensis #> name "Anchusa arvensis" #> origin "Native" ```
## Citing To cite `traits` in publications use:
> Scott Chamberlain, Zachary Foster, Ignasi Bartomeus, David LeBauer, and David Harris (2015). traits: Species Trait Data from Around the Web. R package version 0.2.0.
## License and bugs * License: [MIT]( * Report bugs at [our Github repo for traits]( [Back to top](#top)
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