rdataretriever tutorial

for v1.0.0

## Installation ### Install DataRetriever software To use the R package `rdataretriever` you first need to install `Retriever`. For installation instructions go to <http://www.data-retriever.org/#install>; you can install with `pip`, and there's installers available for all major operating systems, or it can be installed from source. [Source code](https://github.com/weecology/retriever). ### Install R package Install and load `rdataretriever` into the R session. Stable version from CRAN ```r install.packages("rdataretriever") ``` Or development version from Github: ```r install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ropensci/rdataretriever") ``` ```r library('rdataretriever') ```
## Usage ### List the datasets available via the Retriever ```r rdataretriever::datasets() #> [1] "Available datasets : 47" "" #> [3] "Adler2007" "AmnioteDB" #> [5] "Anderson2011" "ArcticBreedBird" #> [7] "AvianBodySize" "BAAD" #> [9] "BBS" "BBS50" #> [11] "Bioclim" "CForBioData" #> [13] "Clark2006" "DelMoral2010" #> [15] "eBirdOD" "EltonTraits" #> [17] "FIA" "FishParasiteHosts" #> [19] "FrayJorge" "Gentry" #> [21] "GWDD" "HomeRanges" #> [23] "leaf_herbivory" "leda" #> [25] "MammalDIET" "MammalLH" #> [27] "MammalMR2010" "mammsupertree" #> [29] "MarineSize" "Matter2014" #> [31] "MCDB" "McGlinn2010" #> [33] "MiscAbundanceDB" "MoM2003" #> [35] "NPN" "Palmer2007" #> [37] "Pantheria" "Petraitis2008" #> [39] "PhytoplankonBiovolume" "PlantTaxonomy" #> [41] "PortalMammals" "PRISM" #> [43] "Ramesh2010" "SonoranPerennials" #> [45] "Steppe_plants_2013" "TreeWesternGhats" #> [47] "vertnet" "Woods2009" #> [49] "Zachmann2010" ``` ### Install into csv Install the Gentry dataset into csv files in your working directory ```r rdataretriever::install(dataset = 'AvianBodySize', connection = 'csv') head(read.csv("AvianBodySize_species.csv")[,c(1:10)]) #> family species_number species_name english_name #> 1 1 1 Struthio camelus Ostrich #> 2 3 7 Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu #> 3 4 8 Apteryx australis Brown Kiwi #> 4 4 9 Apteryx owenii Little Spotted Kiwi #> 5 4 10 Apteryx haastii Great Spotted Kiwi #> 6 5 14 Tinamus major Great Tinamou #> subspecies m_mass m_mass_n f_mass f_mass_n unsexed_mass #> 1 115000 NA 100000 NA NA #> 2 32700 NA 38300 NA NA #> 3 2208 11 2535 26 NA #> 4 1135 51 1351 41 NA #> 5 2610 12 3270 7 NA #> 6 1059 NA 991 NA 1059 ``` ### Read into R Install and load a dataset as a list ```r Gentry <- rdataretriever::fetch('Gentry') ``` ```r head(Gentry$sites) #> site_id site_name country #> 1 1 Kitlope 1 Canada #> 2 2 Kitlope 2 Canada #> 3 3 Mt. St. Hilaire Canada #> 4 4 Metthieson Hammock County Park U.S.A #> 5 5 San Felasko Hammock U.S.A #> 6 6 University of Florida Horticulture Woods U.S.A #> state_province continent abbreviation lat lon min_elev #> 1 British Columbia North America KITLOPE1 53.07 -127.83 20 #> 2 British Columbia North America KITLOPE2 52.21 -127.79 10 #> 3 Montreal North America MTSTHILA 45.62 -73.58 NA #> 4 Florida North America MATTHIES 25.72 -80.27 15 #> 5 Florida North America SANFELAS 29.68 -82.43 30 #> 6 Florida North America UFHORTIC 29.67 -82.33 50 #> max_elev precip #> 1 20 2100 #> 2 10 2100 #> 3 NA 750 #> 4 15 1375 #> 5 30 1375 #> 6 50 1375 ``` ### Write data into a database Install a dataset into a SQLite database ```r rdataretriever::install(dataset = 'Gentry', connection = 'sqlite', db_file = "gentrysqlite.sqlite3") rdataretriever::install(dataset = 'MCDB', connection = 'sqlite', db_file = "mcdbsqlite.sqlite3") ``` Load `RSQLite` and connect to the database ```r library("RSQLite") db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "mcdbsqlite.sqlite3") ``` List tables in the database ```r dbListTables(db) #> [1] "MCDB_communities" "MCDB_references" "MCDB_sites" #> [4] "MCDB_species" "MCDB_trapping" ``` List fields in the table ```r dbListFields(db, "MCDB_species") #> [1] "species_id" "family" "genus" "species" #> [5] "species_level" ``` Query and get data ```r dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM MCDB_species LIMIT 10") #> species_id family genus species species_level #> 1 ABBE Abrocomidae Abrocoma bennettii 1 #> 2 ABLO Cricetidae Abrothrix longipilis 1 #> 3 ABOL Cricetidae Abrothrix olivaceus 1 #> 4 ACSP Muridae Acomys spinosissimus 1 #> 5 ACWI Muridae Acomys wilsoni 1 #> 6 ACPY Acrobatidae Acrobates pygmaeus 1 #> 7 AECH Muridae Aethomys chrysophilus 1 #> 8 AEHI Muridae Aethomys hindei 1 #> 9 AKAZ Cricetidae Akodon azarae 1 #> 10 AKCU Cricetidae Akodon cursor 1 ```
## Citing To cite `rdataretriever` in publications use: Software: > Daniel McGlinn, Henry Senyondo, Shawn Taylor and Ethan White (2017). rdataretriever: R Interface to the Data Retriever. R package version 1.0.0. https://github.com/ropensci/rdataretriever/ Publication: > Morris, Benjamin D., and Ethan P. White. (2013). The EcoData Retriever: Improving Access to Existing Ecological Data. PLoS ONE 8 (6) (jun): 65848. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065848.
## License and bugs * License: [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * Report bugs at [our Github repo for rdataretriever](https://github.com/ropensci/rdataretriever/issues?state=open) [Back to top](#top)
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