rbison tutorial

for v0.4.8

rbison is an R package to search and retrieve data from the USGS BISON service. rbison wraps R code around the BISON API to allow you to talk to the BISON database from R.

BISON has occurrence data for the US only.

BISON is a node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) - i.e., you can get data that’s available in BISON via GBIF instead if you want.


See http://bison.usgs.ornl.gov/doc/api.jsp for API docs for the BISON API.

## Installation ```r install.packages("rbison") ``` Or development version from GitHub ```r install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ropensci/rbison") ``` ```r library("rbison") ```
## Usage Notice that the function `bisonmap` automagically selects the map extent to plot for you, being one of the contiguous lower 48 states, or the lower 48 plus AK and HI, or a global map. If some or all points outside the US, a global map is drawn, and throws a warning. You may want to make sure the occurrence lat/long coordinates are correct. ## Get data ```r out <- bison(species = "Helianthus annuus", count = 10) ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total observation fossil specimen unknown living centroid #> 1 6090 592 102 3946 1448 2 1 ``` Map occurrences ```r head(out$counties) #> record_id total county_name state #> 1 20041 3 Dickinson County Kansas #> 2 54103 1 Wetzel County West Virginia #> 3 40149 1 Washita County Oklahoma #> 4 54105 1 Wirt County West Virginia #> 5 29025 1 Caldwell County Missouri #> 6 40143 2 Tulsa County Oklahoma ``` ## All points within the US (including AK and HI) Get data ```r out <- bison(species="Bison bison", count=600) ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total observation fossil specimen unknown centroid #> 1 1217 252 162 796 7 1 ``` Map occurrences ```r bisonmap(out, tomap="state") ``` ![plot of chunk six](/roweb/assets/tutorial-images/rbison/six-1.png) ## All points within the contiguous 48 states Get data ```r out <- bison(species="Aquila chrysaetos", count=600) ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total observation fossil specimen unknown centroid #> 1 84111 82185 102 1811 13 1 ``` Map occurrences ```r bisonmap(out, tomap="points") ``` ![plot of chunk nine](/roweb/assets/tutorial-images/rbison/nine-1.png) ## Plot county or state With any data returned from a `bison` call, you can choose to plot county or state level data Counties - using last data call for Aquila ```r bisonmap(out, tomap="county") ``` ![plot of chunk ten](/roweb/assets/tutorial-images/rbison/ten-1.png) States - using last data call for Aquila ```r bisonmap(out, tomap="state") ``` ![plot of chunk eleven](/roweb/assets/tutorial-images/rbison/eleven-1.png) ## Constrain search with county IDs or bounding boxes ### Constrain search to a certain county. Check out [this site](http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/codes/state.html) to get state and county fips codes. Fips codes are like so: First two digits are the state code - last three are the county code. For example the *06* in 06037 is the state of California, and the *037* is the Los Angeles county. ```r out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", countyFips = "06037") ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total observation fossil specimen unknown living centroid #> 1 6090 592 102 3946 1448 2 1 ``` By default, the query only returned 10 records ```r head(out$points) #> name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID #> 1 Helianthus annuus -97.05048 36.15451 924819078 #> 2 Helianthus annuus -119.65502 36.76101 1022149513 #> 3 Helianthus annuus -97.83139 27.40750 91592123 #> 4 Helianthus annuus -105.21948 43.52802 891126339 #> 5 Helianthus annuus -103.42134 43.60460 891030944 #> 6 Helianthus annuus -100.87222 37.97167 91592528 #> provider basis #> 1 Emporia State University Specimen #> 2 Consortium of California Herbaria Specimen #> 3 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 4 iNaturalist.org Observation #> 5 iNaturalist.org Observation #> 6 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> common_name geo #> 1 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 2 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 3 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 4 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 5 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 6 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes ``` Or specify county by its actual name - probably much easier. ```r out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", county = "Los Angeles") ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total observation fossil specimen unknown centroid #> 1 164 28 3 126 7 1 ``` By default, the query only returned 10 records ```r head(out$points) #> name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID #> 1 Helianthus annuus -118.1358 34.69806 40886950 #> 2 Helianthus annuus -118.1358 34.69806 40886951 #> 3 Helianthus annuus -118.1358 34.69806 40886952 #> 4 Helianthus annuus -118.1358 34.69806 40886953 #> 5 Helianthus annuus -118.8517 34.79611 40886954 #> 6 Helianthus annuus -118.8517 34.79611 40886955 #> provider basis #> 1 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 2 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 3 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 4 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 5 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 6 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> common_name geo #> 1 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 2 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 3 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 4 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 5 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 6 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes ``` `bison` will help you if you spell the name wrong, or use a partial name. The results are not printed below, but you would get a prompt asking you to pick between the two counties that start with *Los*. ```r bison(species="Helianthus annuus", county = "Los") ``` ### Constrain search to a amorphous area. Check out the Wikipedia page [here](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text) for an in depth look at the options, terminology, etc. ```r out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", aoi = "POLYGON((-111.06360117772908 38.84001566645886,-110.80542246679359 39.37707771107983,-110.20117441992392 39.17722368276862,-110.20666758398464 38.90844075244811,-110.63513438085685 38.67724220095734,-111.06360117772908 38.84001566645886))") ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total specimen centroid #> 1 1 1 1 ``` The data ```r out$points #> name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID provider #> 1 Helianthus annuus -110.7211 39.00903 15613677160 BISON #> basis common_name #> 1 Specimen common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower #> geo #> 1 Yes ``` ### Constrain search to a certain aoibbox. An aoibbox uses the format minx, miny, maxx, maxy. ```r out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", aoibbox = '-120.31,35.81,-110.57,40.21') ``` Inspect summary ```r out$summary #> total observation fossil specimen unknown centroid #> 1 331 39 8 207 77 1 ``` The data, by default, the query only returned 10 records ```r head(out$points) #> name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID #> 1 Helianthus annuus -119.6550 36.76101 1022149513 #> 2 Helianthus annuus -111.2217 38.11111 91592125 #> 3 Helianthus annuus -110.6722 35.92778 40887980 #> 4 Helianthus annuus -119.3464 36.20778 40892466 #> 5 Helianthus annuus -119.7819 36.30083 40886962 #> 6 Helianthus annuus -119.4192 36.35111 40892467 #> provider basis #> 1 Consortium of California Herbaria Specimen #> 2 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 3 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 4 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 5 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> 6 US National Plant Germplasm System Unknown #> common_name geo #> 1 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 2 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 3 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 4 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 5 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes #> 6 common sunflower, annual sunflower, wild sunflower, sunflower Yes ```
## Citing To cite `rbison` in publications use:
> Scott Chamberlain (2015). rbison: R interface to the USGS BISON API. R package version 0.4.8 http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rbison
## License and bugs * License: [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * Report bugs at [our Github repo for rbison](https://github.com/ropensci/rbison/issues?state=open) [Back to top](#top)
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