elastic tutorial

for v0.6.0

elastic is an R client for Elasticsearch. This tutorial is an introduction to the package.

## Installation You can install from CRAN ```r install.packages("elastic") ``` Or the development version from GitHub ```r install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ropensci/elastic") ``` Then load the package ```r library("elastic") ```
## Elasticsearch info + [Elasticsearch home page](https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch) + [API docs](http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/index.html) ## Install Elasticsearch * [Elasticsearch installation help](http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/_installation.html) __Unix (linux/osx)__ Replace `2.3.2` with the version you are working with. + Download zip or tar file from Elasticsearch [see here for download](https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch), e.g., `curl -L -O https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-2.3.2.tar.gz` + Uncompress it: `tar -xvf elasticsearch-2.3.2.tar.gz` + Move it: `sudo mv elasticsearch-2.3.2 /usr/local` + Navigate to /usr/local: `cd /usr/local` + Add shortcut: `sudo ln -s elasticsearch-2.3.2 elasticsearch` On OSX, you can install via Homebrew: `brew install elasticsearch` __Windows__ Windows users can follow the above, but unzip the zip file instead of uncompressing the tar file. ## Start Elasticsearch * Navigate to elasticsearch: `cd /usr/local/elasticsearch` * Start elasticsearch: `bin/elasticsearch` I create a little bash shortcut called `es` that does both of the above commands in one step (`cd /usr/local/elasticsearch && bin/elasticsearch`). __Note:__ Windows users should run the `elasticsearch.bat` file ## Initialize connection The function `connect()` is used before doing anything else to set the connection details to your remote or local elasticsearch store. The details created by `connect()` are written to your options for the current session, and are used by `elastic` functions. ```r connect() ``` ``` #> transport: http #> host: #> port: 9200 #> headers (names): NULL #> username: NULL #> password: NULL #> errors: simple #> Elasticsearch (ES) details: #> name: Ningal #> ES version: 2.3.1 #> ES version timestamp: 2016-04-04T12:25:05Z #> ES build hash: bd980929010aef404e7cb0843e61d0665269fc39 #> lucene version: 5.5.0 ``` On package load, your base url and port are set to `` and `9200`, respectively. You can of course override these settings per session or for all sessions. ## Get some data Elasticsearch has a bulk load API to load data in fast. The format is pretty weird though. It's sort of JSON, but would pass no JSON linter. I include a few data sets in `elastic` so it's easy to get up and running, and so when you run examples in this package they'll actually run the same way (hopefully). I have prepared a non-exported function useful for preparing the weird format that Elasticsearch wants for bulk data loads (see below). See `elastic:::make_bulk_plos` and `elastic:::make_bulk_gbif`. ### Shakespeare data Elasticsearch provides some data on Shakespeare plays. I've provided a subset of this data in this package. Get the path for the file specific to your machine: ```r shakespeare <- system.file("examples", "shakespeare_data.json", package = "elastic") ``` Then load the data into Elasticsearch: ```r docs_bulk(shakespeare) ``` If you need some big data to play with, the shakespeare dataset is a good one to start with. You can get the whole thing and pop it into Elasticsearch (beware, may take up to 10 minutes or so.): ```sh curl -XGET http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/kibana/current/snippets/shakespeare.json > shakespeare.json curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @shakespeare.json ``` ### Public Library of Science (PLOS) data A dataset inluded in the `elastic` package is metadata for PLOS scholarly articles. Get the file path, then load: ```r plosdat <- system.file("examples", "plos_data.json", package = "elastic") docs_bulk(plosdat) ``` ### Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) data A dataset inluded in the `elastic` package is data for GBIF species occurrence records. Get the file path, then load: ```r gbifdat <- system.file("examples", "gbif_data.json", package = "elastic") docs_bulk(gbifdat) ``` GBIF geo data with a coordinates element to allow `geo_shape` queries ```r gbifgeo <- system.file("examples", "gbif_geo.json", package = "elastic") docs_bulk(gbifgeo) ``` ### More data sets There are more datasets formatted for bulk loading in the `ropensci/elastic_data` GitHub repository. Find it at [https://github.com/ropensci/elastic_data](https://github.com/ropensci/elastic_data) ## Search Search the `plos` index and only return 1 result ```r Search(index="plos", size=1)$hits$hits ``` ``` #> [[1]] #> [[1]]$`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> [[1]]$`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> [[1]]$`_id` #> [1] "0" #> #> [[1]]$`_score` #> [1] 1 #> #> [[1]]$`_source` #> [[1]]$`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0007737" #> #> [[1]]$`_source`$title #> [1] "Phospholipase C-β4 Is Essential for the Progression of the Normal Sleep Sequence and Ultradian Body Temperature Rhythms in Mice" ``` Search the `plos` index, and the `article` document type, sort by title, and query for _antibody_, limit to 1 result ```r Search(index="plos", type="article", sort="title", q="antibody", size=1)$hits$hits ``` ``` #> [[1]] #> [[1]]$`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> [[1]]$`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> [[1]]$`_id` #> [1] "568" #> #> [[1]]$`_score` #> NULL #> #> [[1]]$`_source` #> [[1]]$`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0085002" #> #> [[1]]$`_source`$title #> [1] "Evaluation of 131I-Anti-Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Monoclonal Antibody as a Reporter for Hepatocellular Carcinoma" #> #> #> [[1]]$sort #> [[1]]$sort[[1]] #> [1] "1" ``` ## URL based search A new function in `v0.4` is `Search_uri()`, where the search is defined entirely in the URL itself. This is especially useful for cases in which `POST` requests are forbidden, e.g, on a server that prevents `POST` requests for security reasons (which the function `Search()` uses) Basic search ```r Search_uri(index = "plos", size = 1)$hits$hits ``` ``` #> [[1]] #> [[1]]$`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> [[1]]$`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> [[1]]$`_id` #> [1] "0" #> #> [[1]]$`_score` #> [1] 1 #> #> [[1]]$`_source` #> [[1]]$`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0007737" #> #> [[1]]$`_source`$title #> [1] "Phospholipase C-β4 Is Essential for the Progression of the Normal Sleep Sequence and Ultradian Body Temperature Rhythms in Mice" ``` Sorting ```r res <- Search_uri(index = "shakespeare", type = "act", sort = "speaker:desc", fields = 'speaker') sapply(res$hits$hits, "[[", c("fields", "speaker")) ``` ``` #> [[1]] #> [1] "ARCHBISHOP OF YORK" #> #> [[2]] #> [1] "VERNON" #> #> [[3]] #> [1] "PLANTAGENET" #> #> [[4]] #> [1] "PETO" #> #> [[5]] #> [1] "KING HENRY IV" #> #> [[6]] #> [1] "HOTSPUR" #> #> [[7]] #> [1] "FALSTAFF" #> #> [[8]] #> [1] "CHARLES" #> #> [[9]] #> [1] "" ``` ### A bool query ```r mmatch <- '{ "query": { "bool" : { "must_not" : { "range" : { "speech_number" : { "from" : 1, "to": 5 }}}}}}' sapply(Search(index="shakespeare", body=mmatch)$hits$hits, function(x) x$`_source`$speech_number) ``` ``` #> [1] 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 7 8 ``` ### Fuzzy query Fuzzy query on numerics ```r fuzzy <- list(query = list(fuzzy = list(speech_number = list(value = 7, fuzziness = 4)))) Search(index="shakespeare", body=fuzzy)$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 1499 ``` ### Range query With numeric ```r body <- list(query=list(range=list(decimalLongitude=list(gte=1, lte=3)))) Search('gbif', body=body)$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 24 ``` With dates ```r body <- list(query=list(range=list(eventDate=list(gte="2012-01-01", lte="now")))) Search('gbif', body=body)$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 899 ``` ### More-like-this query (more_like_this can be shortened to mlt) ```r body <- '{ "query": { "more_like_this": { "fields": ["abstract","title"], "like_text": "and then", "min_term_freq": 1, "max_query_terms": 12 } } }' Search('plos', body=body)$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 488 ``` ### Highlighting ```r body <- '{ "query": { "query_string": { "query" : "cell" } }, "highlight": { "fields": { "title": {"number_of_fragments": 2} } } }' out <- Search('plos', 'article', body=body) out$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 58 ``` ```r sapply(out$hits$hits, function(x) x$highlight$title[[1]])[8:10] ``` ``` #> [[1]] #> NULL #> #> [[2]] #> NULL #> #> [[3]] #> NULL ``` ### Scrolling search - instead of paging ```r Search('shakespeare', q="a*")$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 2747 ``` ```r res <- Search(index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", scroll="1m") res <- Search(index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", scroll="1m", search_type = "scan") length(scroll(scroll_id = res$`_scroll_id`)$hits$hits) ``` ``` #> [1] 50 ``` ## Bulk load from R objects A new feature in `v0.4` is loading data into Elasticsearch via the bulk API (faster than via the normal route) from R objects (data.frame, or list). E.g.: Using a pretty large data.frame, at 53K rows, load `ggplot2` package first ```r library("ggplot2") res <- invisible(docs_bulk(diamonds, "diam")) ``` ```r Search(index = "diam")$hits$total ``` ``` #> [1] 158140 ``` ## Get documents Get document with `id=1` ```r docs_get(index='plos', type='article', id=1) ``` ``` #> $`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> $`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> $`_id` #> [1] "1" #> #> $`_version` #> [1] 1 #> #> $found #> [1] TRUE #> #> $`_source` #> $`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0098602" #> #> $`_source`$title #> [1] "Population Genetic Structure of a Sandstone Specialist and a Generalist Heath Species at Two Levels of Sandstone Patchiness across the Strait of Gibraltar" ``` Get certain fields ```r docs_get(index='plos', type='article', id=1, fields='id') ``` ``` #> $`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> $`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> $`_id` #> [1] "1" #> #> $`_version` #> [1] 1 #> #> $found #> [1] TRUE #> #> $fields #> $fields$id #> $fields$id[[1]] #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0098602" ``` ## Get multiple documents at once Same index and type, different document ids ```r docs_mget(index="plos", type="article", id=3:4) ``` ``` #> $docs #> $docs[[1]] #> $docs[[1]]$`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> $docs[[1]]$`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> $docs[[1]]$`_id` #> [1] "3" #> #> $docs[[1]]$`_version` #> [1] 1 #> #> $docs[[1]]$found #> [1] TRUE #> #> $docs[[1]]$`_source` #> $docs[[1]]$`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0107756" #> #> $docs[[1]]$`_source`$title #> [1] "The Effect of S-Adenosylmethionine on Cognitive Performance in Mice: An Animal Model Meta-Analysis" #> #> #> #> $docs[[2]] #> $docs[[2]]$`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> $docs[[2]]$`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> $docs[[2]]$`_id` #> [1] "4" #> #> $docs[[2]]$`_version` #> [1] 1 #> #> $docs[[2]]$found #> [1] TRUE #> #> $docs[[2]]$`_source` #> $docs[[2]]$`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0107758" #> #> $docs[[2]]$`_source`$title #> [1] "Lactobacilli Inactivate Chlamydia trachomatis through Lactic Acid but Not H2O2" ``` Different indeces, types, and ids ```r docs_mget(index_type_id=list(c("plos","article",1), c("gbif","record",1)))$docs[[1]] ``` ``` #> $`_index` #> [1] "plos" #> #> $`_type` #> [1] "article" #> #> $`_id` #> [1] "1" #> #> $`_version` #> [1] 1 #> #> $found #> [1] TRUE #> #> $`_source` #> $`_source`$id #> [1] "10.1371/journal.pone.0098602" #> #> $`_source`$title #> [1] "Population Genetic Structure of a Sandstone Specialist and a Generalist Heath Species at Two Levels of Sandstone Patchiness across the Strait of Gibraltar" ``` ## Raw JSON data You can optionally get back raw `json` from `Search()`, `docs_get()`, and `docs_mget()` setting parameter `raw=TRUE`. For example: ```r (out <- docs_mget(index="plos", type="article", id=5:6, raw=TRUE)) ``` ``` #> [1] "{\"docs\":[{\"_index\":\"plos\",\"_type\":\"article\",\"_id\":\"5\",\"_version\":1,\"found\":true,\"_source\":{\"id\":\"10.1371/journal.pone.0085123\",\"title\":\"MiR-21 Is under Control of STAT5 but Is Dispensable for Mammary Development and Lactation\"}},{\"_index\":\"plos\",\"_type\":\"article\",\"_id\":\"6\",\"_version\":1,\"found\":true,\"_source\":{\"id\":\"10.1371/journal.pone.0098600\",\"title\":\"Correction: Designing Mixed Species Tree Plantations for the Tropics: Balancing Ecological Attributes of Species with Landholder Preferences in the Philippines\"}}]}" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "elastic_mget" ``` Then parse ```r jsonlite::fromJSON(out) ``` ``` #> $docs #> _index _type _id _version found _source.id #> 1 plos article 5 1 TRUE 10.1371/journal.pone.0085123 #> 2 plos article 6 1 TRUE 10.1371/journal.pone.0098600 #> _source.title #> 1 MiR-21 Is under Control of STAT5 but Is Dispensable for Mammary Development and Lactation #> 2 Correction: Designing Mixed Species Tree Plantations for the Tropics: Balancing Ecological Attributes of Species with Landholder Preferences in the Philippines ```
## Citing > Scott Chamberlain (2016). elastic: General Purpose Interface to Elasticsearch. R package version 0.6.0. http://cran.rstudio.com/package=elastic
## License and bugs * License: [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * Report bugs at [our GitHub repo for elastic](https://github.com/ropensci/elastic/issues?state=open) [Back to top](#top)
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