Fall 2014 Events

Event Date Details Location
Open Science Codefest Sep 2-4, 2014 We're co-organizers of the event, and we'll working on projects at the event.

(Scott Chamberlain, Ted Hart)
Santa Barbara, CA
Open Tree of Life Hackathon Sep 15-19, 2014 David and Alex will be hacking on a package that allows users to interact with the Open Tree data

(David Winter, Alex Harkess)
Ann Arbor, MI
rOpenSci Workshop and Seminar Sep 26th, 2014 rOpenSci workshop and seminar at the University of Georgia, Institute of Bioinformatics - more info

(Scott Chamberlain)
Athens, GA
rOpenSci Seminar Nov 7, 2014 rOpenSci Seminar in the Depatment of Statistics and Acturial Sciences at SFU - more info

(Scott Chamberlain)
Vancouver, Canada
Mozilla Festival Oct 24, 2014 Details forthcoming

(Karthik Ram)
London, UK
Workshop on Sustainable Software Practices Nov 16, 2014 Details forthcoming

(Carl Boettiger, Karthik Ram)
New Orleans, LA
American Geophysical Union Dec 15-19, 2014 Talk: Building software, building community: lessons from the ROpenSci project, two organized sessions on open science.

(Carl Boettiger, Karthik Ram)
San Francisco, CA

If you're keen on organizing or hosting a rOpenSci related event, or collaborating on a workshop/session at a conference, please get in touch.. For past events, see the events archive.