Some LGAs in Nigeria bear the name of the States to which they belong to. This function will apply an attribute to such an LGA to distinguish it from its State.

disambiguate_lga(lga, state = NULL, ...)



An object of class lgas of length 1L.


The name of the State to which the LGA is to belong to.


Arguments to be passed to menu.


The object of class lgas with the (possibly) modified State attribute.


For state, if it is not provided by the user, an interactive prompt will be presented to the user to select the appropriate state - but only in interactive sessions; if run as a batch command, this function will signal an error.


obi.lga <- lgas("Obi")    # Warning
#> Warning: 'Obi' LGA is found in 2 States: Benue, Nasarawa
try(map_ng(obi.lga))      # Error
#> Error in plot_sf(x, ...) : 
#>   NA value(s) in bounding box. Trying to plot empty geometries?

obi.benue <- disambiguate_lga(obi.lga, "Benue")

if (interactive())